This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



FTW Friday: Facebook now lets users choose from 50 gender options

Simon Treanor

On Thursday, a somewhat well-known social media site called Facebook (perhaps you’ve heard of it?), announced an unexpected, but heartening update to its options and settings menu. In a move that has been praised by many LGBTQ and human rights groups, Facebook now allows its users to choose from over 50 different options to set […] More »

FTW Friday: Toronto protest sends a message to Russia, with love

Simon Treanor

Standing in knee high snow in Queen’s Park yesterday, I witnessed my very first protest run. The event, which was organized by journalist and university instructor Margaret Webb, was to protest Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law, particularly in conjunction with the Sochi Olympics. I watched as the group of protestors ran around the designated route, holding […] More »
November-December 2013

Anarchy in the nunnery

Hillary Di MennaWebsite@HillaryDiMenna

Across Canada, dozens of nuns, women priests, worshippers, and one female bishop are part of a growing movement to pry the Catholic Church from its patriarchal roots. In its place, they’ll build the world’s most massive vehicle for social justice. Welcome to the fight for a pro-women, pro-gay, pro-liberal Church Near twenty pairs of feet […] More »

The body and sex issue: Tell us your stories!

This Magazine

We’re already hard at work planning our next edition, a spectacularly-themed “Body & Sex” issue. Basically, if you’re tired of reading (or rolling your eyes at) sex/body stories like: “What he thinks during sex,” “21 naughty sex tips,” “50 ways to seduce a man,” and “12 new body shapes” (all actual cover lines from a […] More »

FTW Friday: This Week in Protests

Vincent Colistro

“The protesters should fall in love with hard and patient work – they are the beginning, not the end. Their basic message is: the taboo is broken; we do not live in the best possible world; we are allowed, obliged even, to think about alternatives.” -Slavoj Zizek As we all move slowly into the second […] More »

Friday FTW: Vancouver’s rainbow crosswalks

Espe Currie

It’s Pride Week in Vancouver, and to kick off celebrations July 29 the city unveiled an addition to the Davie Street Village streetscape. City workers painted all four crosswalks at the intersection of Davie and Bute in the rainbow flag late on Sunday night, and the big reveal happened early Monday morning hosted by Canada’s […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Canadian Blood Services trumpets policy change on gay men and blood donation

Espe Currie

Canadian Blood Services is now accepting blood donations from men who have had sex with men—but only if they haven’t done so in the past five years. The change took effect July 22, and marks a drastic departure from the organization’s previous policies concerning blood donation from the MSM category of donor, a blanket term used to […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Trans rights bill stalled, performance artists arrested

Espe Currie

Transgender performance artists Lexi Sanfino and Nina Arsenault were arrested after a WestJet flight June 20. Sanfino caused a disturbance, strutting down the airplane aisle topless after a flight attendant rudely asked the friends for makeup tips: “You know, because you used to be guys, right?” according to the Toronto Star, though the Huffington Post […] More »

Lives in Transition

Four trans Canadians share their heartbreaks, struggles, and fears. What their stories of bravery and activism can tell us about trans rights today

Alex Colgan

Transgendered men could sneak into public washrooms and molest your children—at least, according to Rob Anders. In 2012, after an NDP private member’s bill proposed that gender identity and gender expression be protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, the Calgary MP posted a petition on his website. In it, Anders […] More »

Friday FTW: Pakistan celebrates transgender candidates in election

Catherine McIntyre

Transgender candidates are running for office for the first time in the country’s history. In this country? God no (com’on—Canada just passed legislation allowing trans people to use the public washroom of their choice)—they’re running for office in Pakistan. Turns out the developing country has Canada beat when it comes to certain gender rights. Here—and […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Straights-Only Law School, Patent Pending

Kate Hefford

The Federation of Canadian Law Societies is reviewing a controversial proposal. Trinity Western University, a Christian liberal arts school in Langley, B.C., applied to add a law school to their institution in June 2012—one that imposes their Bible-based views. But now they’ve hit a snag. It’s a snag that is thousands strong. Law students and […] More »