This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Wednesday WTF

Wednesday WTF: Net neutrality if necessary, but not necessarily net neutrality

Graham F. Scott

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission announced today new rules for how internet service providers are allowed to monitor, control, and throttle your internet access. After years of ponderous thought on the issue of how much control ISPs can wield over their customers’ web access, the CRTC has ceded the issue to the internet providers […] More »

Wednesday WTF: G77 walkout adds fuel to the "Blame Canada" fire

Graham F. Scott

Canada’s delegation to the latest round of global climate agreement negotiations put on quite the show a few days ago, suggesting that perhaps it’s time to scrap the Kyoto Accord and start over. The reviews are in, and the critics didn’t like it. In fact, they walked out just after the opening number. The Canadian […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Dating tips from the U.S. Department of Health!

kim hart macneill

The rules for dating haven’t changed much in the last 60 years, according to the U.S. government. Dating, when done properly, leads to marriage and babies. The website Two Of Us promotes marriage as “a viable option to 18 to 30-year-olds” and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Police investigating themselves isn't an "image problem"

Graham F. Scott

The Robert Dziekanski case—in which the unfortunate victim, a non-English speaker who died at the Vancouver airport in 2007 after being Tasered by RCMP officers 24 seconds after they arrived—continues to play out at the Braidwood Inquiry. On Tuesday, RCMP superintendent Wayne Rideout told the inquiry that having RCMP officers investigate their own colleagues presents […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Caster Semenya deserves more dignity than this

Graham F. Scott

The treatment of Caster Semenya is a disgrace. The 18 year-old South African runner, who is currently the object of “gender verification testing” after winning the world championship 800-meter race in August, has had her most private medical details paraded before the international press in what can only be described as an exceptionally ugly episode […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Wal-Mart's Wacky Wetland Wipeout!

Graham F. Scott

In Salmon Arm, B.C., there’s been a long-standing fight over plans to build an enormous shopping centre directly on the floodplain of the Salmon River. Last fall, the city voted not to allow mall developer SmartCentres to build big box stores on this ecologically sensitive tract of land. Well, now we receive a report that […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Time to inoculate against election fever

Graham F. Scott

If we ran a “WTF” blog post every time another ridiculous, inconclusive political poll came out, you’d never read anything else here. But since this particular batch of ridiculous, inconclusive polls came out as all the Canadian political parties were gearing up for the fall session, we’ll make an exception this time. Harris-Decima says the […] More »

Wednesday WTF: If you don't measure acid rain, it's not happening!

Graham F. Scott

The Alberta environment ministry announced this week that they’re going to cut back on acid-rain testing in the northern tar sands region, citing budget cuts. Up to now, the province has been sampling rain for its acidic content every week. They believe they can get the same top-notch quality results by testing less: “It’s a […] More »

Wednesday WTF: "Trust us to police ourselves," says RCMP. No way.

Graham F. Scott

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP released its report this week on “Police Investigating Police,”and the news was not good. The commission studied 28 cases where suspects in RCMP custody suffered serious bodily injury or death, and how the police force investigated those cases. A quarter of the time, colleagues were investigating each […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Shutting down "India's Michael Jackson" over Kirpans?

Graham F. Scott

12,000 people showed up at the Telus Convention Centre in Calgary on Sunday night to see a concert by Punjabi singer Gurdas Maan. According to the Calgary Herald, about 10 of those concertgoers were wearing Kirpans, the ceremonial dagger worn by some observant Sikhs. When security guards at the venue refused those people entry, citing […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Wafergate drags on

Graham F. Scott

[This is the first blog post in our “WTF/FTW” series. In the magazine we’ve been including tiny articles that come under the heading “WTF?” and “FTW!” for bad/crazy/weird news, and good news, respectively. We’ll now be doing these weekly, as well: Look for Wednesday WTF and Friday FTW. You can probably work out which days […] More »