This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Wednesday WTF

WTF Wednesday: Why Madonna has it all wrong

Sara Harowitz

Let me preface by saying that I am a huge fan of pop music. I grew up obsessing over everyone from the Spice Girls to Sugar Jones, and while my musical taste has significantly changed since my preteen years, my appreciation for the smart and empowered females in pop has not. Take one look at Ellie Goulding […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Brad Pitt is the first male face of Chanel No. 5 and it’s perplexing

Sara Harowitz

Chanel No. 5 has long been considered the classic woman’s fragrance. She who wears the haute couture brand’s most famous perfume is effortless in her sophistication, beauty, and elegance. Becoming the face of a Chanel No. 5, I can only imagine, is a compliment above all others; to be considered for the job is, in […] More »

WTF Wednesday: The New Abortion Caravan is pro-life

Kyle Dupont

Over 30 years ago, the pro-choice movement in Canada was at its peak. In 1970 the Vancouver Women’s Caucus travelled across the country as part of the Abortion Caravan. Stopping in various cities and towns on their way to Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the women spent their evenings hearing the stories of other women so […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Big oil clumsily co-opts lefty lingo

Mary Dirmeitis

The “ethical oil” campaign is at it again, trying to convince consumers that by supporting tar sands production, they are saving the world from those scary Saudi women-haters. But this time, they have gone so far in appropriating the language the left, I actually thought the ads were spoofs. Without batting an eyelash, these ads […] More »

Wednesday WTF: 79 UN countries voted that it's OK to execute queers

simon wallace

On November 16 the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural) debated a resolution demanding an end to summary and arbitrary executions. Included in the text was a non-exhaustive list that highlighted many of the groups that are currently subject to inordinate levels of state persecution: ethnic groups, linguistic minorities, street […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Fidel Castro wants to be elder statesman, see dolphins

simon wallace

Consider this exchange: Speaker 1: “Would you like to go the aquarium with me [tomorrow] to see the dolphin show?” Speaker 2: “The dolphin show?” Speaker 1: “The dolphins are very intelligent animals.” Speaker 3: “But the aquarium is not open tomorrow.” Speaker 1: “It will be open tomorrow” Out of context it’s hard to […] More »

Wednesday WTF: At climate change meeting, delegates talk about talking

jesse mintz

Negotiators are currently engaged in talks in Germany to discuss the agenda for the year-end environmental summit in Mexico. The Mexico meeting is intended to broker a new international agreement to replace the soon-to-be expired (but long since overshadowed) Kyoto Protocols. Sounds promising; but before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s try and understand what […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Conrad Black bails to Palm Beach; Byron Sonne bides behind bars

claudia calabro

Descriptions of Conrad Black in news stories about his arrest, conviction, subsequent time served in jail, and now his bail hearing, often liken him to some sort of greasy mammal, who has “wriggled free” after “swindling” the public out of $6 million. News of Black’s bail-granting in Chicago broke on Monday, overshadowing the results of […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Conservatives convert Canada's creaky copyright

Graham F. Scott

Today’s the day! Heritage Minister James Moore will apparently introduce new legislation to update Canada’s copyright laws this afternoon. Michael Geist, the usual go-to guy for all discussion on this topic, has a quick introduction on his site. Basically, fair dealing will remain pretty strict; Geist has complimentary things to say about how internet intermediaries […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Britain can do coalition government. Why can't we?

jesse mintz

Britain’s five days of post-election limbo are over as David Cameron, Conservative Party leader and now Prime Minister, announced Britain’s first peacetime coalition government since the 1930s.  Ushering in an era of cross-bench unity, Cameron’s Conservatives will join forces with Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democratic Party.  Cameron has appointed six Liberal Democrats to the cabinet, including […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Jaffer & Gillani — It's not influence-peddling, it's synergy!

Graham F. Scott

The Globe and Mail‘s story on Nazim Gillani’s testimony to a parliamentary committee investigating the Guergis/Jaffer fiasco contains all sorts of fun tidbits. Rahim Jaffer, Noted Businessman Who Is Smart, says he wouldn’t touch Nazim Gillani with a bargepole: “We realized very quickly after a few meetings with him that our firms were very divergent, that […] More »