This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Friday FTW: Vancouver’s rainbow crosswalks

Espe Currie

It’s Pride Week in Vancouver, and to kick off celebrations July 29 the city unveiled an addition to the Davie Street Village streetscape. City workers painted all four crosswalks at the intersection of Davie and Bute in the rainbow flag late on Sunday night, and the big reveal happened early Monday morning hosted by Canada’s […] More »

Lives in Transition

Four trans Canadians share their heartbreaks, struggles, and fears. What their stories of bravery and activism can tell us about trans rights today

Alex Colgan

Transgendered men could sneak into public washrooms and molest your children—at least, according to Rob Anders. In 2012, after an NDP private member’s bill proposed that gender identity and gender expression be protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, the Calgary MP posted a petition on his website. In it, Anders […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Alaska caucus shares laugh over gay rights

Catherine McIntyre

A public opinion survey released earlier this month shows that 67 per cent of Alaskans think gay couples deserve some form of legal recognition. So, in a meeting of the Alaska House Majority Caucus February 15, Mark Miller, a reporter for the Juneau Empire newspaper, asked, “would the caucus support the idea of having domestic […] More »
July-August 2011

Book review: Six Metres of Pavement by Farzana Doctor

Niranjana IyerWebsite@NinaIyer

Ismail Boxwala’s Infant daughter died of heatstroke after he left her sleeping in the backseat of his car on a summer day. Twenty years later, Ismail has yet to forgive himself. His wife has long since divorced him and remarried, but Ismail has resolutely passed up any chance at happiness. He lives in the same […] More »

Book review: The Dirt Chronicles by Kristyn Dunnion

Jeremy BealWebsite

In The Dirt Chronicles, Kristyn Dunnion cooks up a dozen sad, pretty, lonely stories and shoots them into whatever unused vein she can find on her audience. It’s a surprising read from an LGBT underclass perspective that starts with coming-of-age stories, wades into the most convoluted of gender politics, and builds into a crescendo of […] More »

Book Review: Monoceros by Suzette Mayr

Jessica RoseWebsite@nmtblog

After Patrick Furey, a heartbroken and bullied gay student, hangs himself in his bedroom, there is no minute of silence, no special assembly. Instead, his school’s closeted principal forbids staff to share any information, fearing a teen suicide would damage the school’s reputation and possibly spawn copycats. Furey’s death may happen in the first few […] More »

Book Review: Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme

Graham F. Scott

Equal parts manifesto, thesis, coming-of-age tale, and love letter, Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme, edited by Ivan E. Coyote and Zena Sharman, breaks the reductive, sanitized gender stereotypes of what it is to be a lesbian—especially ones who don’t look like Ellen DeGeneres, Rachel Maddow, or a cast member of The L Word. The contributors’ […] More »
May-June 2011

This45: RM Vaughan on the late art impresario Will Munro

RM VaughanWebsite

It is impossible to speak of Will Munro. It is easy to talk about Will Munro(s). Will Munro, the artist/activist/social wizard/impresario and all around wunderkind, passed away one lovely, clear-as-a-bell summer morning in 2010. He was 36. In that too-short time, Will produced an enormous amount of highly influential, DIY-infused art, reinvigorated the Toronto, and […] More »
July-August 2011

Kristin Nelson’s artwork re-humanizes pop icon Pamela Anderson

Whitney Light

Surfing the internet for a Grey Cup art project in November 2008, Kristin Nelson landed on a saucy image of Pamela Anderson. It immediately provoked a spark of inspiration that she couldn’t explain but also couldn’t deny. Thus emerged the seed of a body of artwork called My Life With Pamela Anderson that documents, in […] More »
May-June 2011

This45: Rachel Pulfer on Ghana correspondent Jenny Vaughan

Rachel PulferWebsite

Jenny Vaughan is no stranger to the hybrid role of journalist, leader, and advocate. She now occupies a unique position as the Accra, Ghana-based eyes and ears of Journalists for Human Rights, a media development organization with operations throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, her job ranges from ensuring the professional and personal well-being of a team […] More »
March-April 2011

This45: Sky Gilbert on sex workers’ rights group Big Susie’s

Sky GilbertWebsite

I moved to downtown Hamilton, Ontario, in 2005. We bought our three-storey Victorian home near Copps Coliseum at a price that would have been unheard of in Toronto. The corner we lived on had been labelled “the most dangerous corner in Hamilton.” But my shaved head and tattoos stood out less here than in the […] More »