This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Coming up in the November-December 2009 issue of This Magazine

Graham F. Scott

The November-December 2009 issue of This Magazine is now snaking its way through the postal system, and subscribers should find it in their mailboxes any day now. We expect it to be available on newsstands next week, probably. (Remember, subscribers always get the magazine early, and you can too.) We’ll start posting articles from the […] More »
May-June 2004

The anti-vaccination movement: just the latest battle in the “Science Wars”

Clive ThompsonWebsite

Why are so many radicals rejecting science as a right-wing conspiracy—and embracing irrationality instead? [This article originally appeared in the May-June 2004 issue of This.] If you’ve spent any time in activist circles recently, you’ve probably noticed the rise of the anti-vaccination movement. In a growing number of “alternative” and progressive communities, parents are refusing […] More »

Queerly Canadian #21: Lift the ban on gay blood donors

cate simpson

In a case before the Ontario Superior Court this month, an Ottawa man is challenging the ban on blood donation by gay men. Currently, any man who has had sex with another man since 1977 is “indefinitely deferred” from giving blood. Not only is this ban unnecessarily broad, it does a disservice to the very […] More »

This Magazine is about, um, Ontario. Help us do better!

kim hart macneill

To prepare for our regular staff meeting earlier this week, we flipped through the last year of This to see what we covered well, and what we’ve missed. The findings clearly showed us the kinds of stories we tend to cover—and pointed to a few things we need to work on. First a word on […] More »

Friday FTW: Protect ya neck (and head) while playing this winter

Graham F. Scott

Intrawest, the resort company that runs the ski runs at Whistler Blackcomb and 10 other ski hills, announced yesterday that it is strongly encouraging skiers and snowboarders to wear helmets on its courses, and instituting mandatory helmet rules for all children and young-adult participants in its skiing and boarding classes. The move comes six months […] More »
September-October 2009

How the University of Manitoba revolutionized HIV care in Nairobi

Siena AnstisWebsite

Blended into the colourful storefronts of Nairobi’s River Road area is the Sex Workers Outreach Program (SWOP), a discreet but accessible clinic offering HIV and STD testing and treatment to the estimated 7,000 prostitutes who work in the central business sector of Kenya’s capital city. While the clinic was created in close consultation with Nairobi’s […] More »

Friday FTW: When it comes to HIV-AIDS, a "modest success" is still welcome

Graham F. Scott

When the news came out yesterday that the largest-ever HIV-AIDS vaccine drug study had concluded with modestly positive results, there was certainly reason to be glad. There was not, of course, any reason to call the damn thing a “miracle vaccine,” as the Dallas Fort-Worth NBC affiliate did. The actual announcement from the U.S. National […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Caster Semenya deserves more dignity than this

Graham F. Scott

The treatment of Caster Semenya is a disgrace. The 18 year-old South African runner, who is currently the object of “gender verification testing” after winning the world championship 800-meter race in August, has had her most private medical details paraded before the international press in what can only be described as an exceptionally ugly episode […] More »
July-August 2009

Progressive Detective: Can e-cigarettes help me quit smoking?

Rosemary Counter

Dear Progressive Detective: I’ve been hearing a lot about e-cigarettes. What are these things, and can they really help me kick my habit? E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that detect the user’s pull and vaporize a nicotine solution that recreates the smoking experience without carcinogens, odour, ashes, stubs, or even litter. Without the 4,000 chemicals added […] More »
July-August 2009

Could “Wind Turbine Syndrome” be harmful to your health?

Andrea McDowellWebsite

We love it when health concerns are taken seriously… The last time you talked to your doctor about a strange set of symptoms, he or she probably didn’t write a book about it. But when Dr. Nina Pierpont of New York State got wind (pun intended) of dozens of residents living near wind turbines who […] More »

Building Africa, one text message at a time

Siena AnstisWebsite

In North America, text-messaging has a reputation for being frivolous, used to spread teenaged rumours, or the recent mania over “sexting.” But in developing countries like Africa, cell phones and text messages are the primary means of communication. And, not just for gossip. Information and communication for development or ICT4D, isn’t just another fancy development […] More »