This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Concentrate, now, concentrate!

This Magazine Staff

The Nation magazine will print in its July 3 issue an updated chart detailing media concentration in the U.S., which of course spills over to affect Canadian news audiences on a daily basis. Follow the link and download the PDF to see who owns what news outlets. Heck, why not print it out and post […] More »

Fragging conservatives

This Magazine Staff

Editor and publisher weighs in today on the (latest) Ann Coulter controversy with an interesting editorial on how conservatives like Coulter can demonstrably go much further over the line than progressives without jeapordizing their jobs or their audience. As long as Coulter jokes about killing people in her books and on TV, her column is […] More »

Oilers, shmoilers, let’s talk Stanley

This Magazine Staff

If we can take a break from all the Oiler-adulation for a sec, thanks…. I’d like to direct your attention to more worthy Stanley-Cup-related pursuits, such as the first novel by our own John Degen, The Uninvited Guest. Actually, to call this a hockey novel would be a mistake, since it seems (114 pages in) […] More »

Vancouver UnReal Estate prices

This Magazine Staff

I was just in Vancouver the past week and happened to take a tour de-ville with a real estate friend of mine. She happened to inform me on the various prices of average homes and condominiums. Is it possible that tag team of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics combine with cottage industry grow-ops are inflating the […] More »

“Tell your god to get ready for blood”

This Magazine Staff

That’s Deadwood’s Al Swearengen from last week’s season three opener. It’s appropriate today. Believe as we do: Edmonton is going to wipe the floor with Carolina. The Stanley Cup is coming home. More »

mustn’t… reveal… geekiness

This Magazine Staff

Just read about this in the New York Times today and, I admit, I’ve been watching the online episodes while rocking back and forth with glee. Fan fiction meets digital video. Star Trek fans recreate — extremely well, like, down to the schlockiness — the look and feel of the original Star Trek franchise, and […] More »

and also get one of them nifty power washers

This Magazine Staff

Ten years ago, I swear, a decade in the past, I had this conversation with a friend: She: “Why can’t I go to Canadian Tire and buy an affordable wind turbine or solar panel set for the roof of my house?” Me: “I know. It’s, like, a market crying out to be serviced by a […] More »

Go Oilers!

This Magazine Staff

Seriously. Go Oilers! Woohoo! More »

Most annoying Canadian on TV

This Magazine Staff

A friend was telling me the other day about a contest currently running to pick the most annoying Canadian on tv. I’m hunting around for a link for the contest, but can’t seem to find one (will keep looking). There are some pretty obvious choices: Don Cherry, Ben Mulroney, the Body Break couple (damn them […] More »

Can we really turn the tide?

This Magazine Staff

From Mother Jones magazine in the United States comes an innovative campaign to educate people about the threats to the world’s oceans and help them to take action. Signing up to be an Ocean Voyager means you’ll get a new message each week for five weeks featuring video episodes about the dead zone in the […] More »

Captain Copyright! — where is the love?

This Magazine Staff

Access Copyright, the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency has recently launched a superhero — Captain Copyright — as a tool for teaching basic concepts of copyright to a generation that maybe is not getting a lot of “fun” information on the concept. The character is silly, dumb, over-the-top and even, dare I say, derivative (in the […] More »