This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


mustn’t… reveal… geekiness

This Magazine Staff

Just read about this in the New York Times today and, I admit, I’ve been watching the online episodes while rocking back and forth with glee.
Fan fiction meets digital video. Star Trek fans recreate — extremely well, like, down to the schlockiness — the look and feel of the original Star Trek franchise, and offer free online views. Sleeping children in the next room. This will be my Saturday night:
Wondering when they will be sued by a large studio, or the remaining, unorbiting, dust of Gene Roddenberry? Me too.
But… but… Captain. He’s dead.
Seriously, I have no idea if the Star Trek copyright protection allows for this kind of brand borrowing. And, once I finish my, uh, research here, I’ll check into it.

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