This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Fundie newsflash

This Magazine Staff

According to last week’s edition of the Hill Times, Darrel Reid, former director of Focus on the Family Canada, is now the deputy director of policy and research in the Prime Minister’s Office. Reid was most recently chief of staff to Rona Ambrose (when she was Environment Minister). Just FYI, FOTF maintains that homosexual people […] More »


This Magazine Staff

(image courtesy Toronto FC) In case anyone was wondering… watching Toronto FC lose an action packed thrillfest of a home opener last Saturday afternoon with over 20,000 other screaming, chanting, singing idiots was without question the best time I’ve had at a pro-sports event in many, many years. The final score was 1-nil for Kansas […] More »

Sarah Polley, paranoia and festivals galore

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine’s May Film Club Newsletter is now up here. May highlights include Sarah Polley’s directorial debut with Away From Her, based on an Alice Munro short story and starring Gordon Pinsent and Julie Christie. Civic Duty also opens next month. It’s about a man who becomes paranoid about terrorism after watching too much — […] More »

Friday Saturday Links: lifetime supplies, Spadina bus, public radio idol

This Magazine Staff

Apologies for the lateness of this week’s Friday links. Sometimes 24-hours in a day just aren’t enough. So without further ado. We’ve always been curious what a lifetime supply of carrots looked like and thanks to a UK documentary we know. Nick Watts, a British documentary maker, compiled basic statistics and tried to represent them […] More »

Google with care

This Magazine Staff

This week I received an e-mail from a This contributor kindly asking me to remove something incriminating from his contributor’s bio on the website. He pointed me to an article that outlines the plight of Vancouver psychotherapist Andrew Feldmar, who was barred from ever again entering the United States because he discussed his use of […] More »

Gay newspaper to stay in Ottawa city buildings

This Magazine Staff

I thought I’d post a quick update, because I mentioned this a few weeks ago. Happily, the City of Ottawa has come to its senses, and remembered that it has no authority to censor community newspapers. Hooray for small victories. You can read about it here. More »

NMA nomination news

This Magazine Staff

The 2007 National Magazine Awards nominees were announced today, and This was recognized with two nominations: Zoe Cormier’s Playing Dirty in the Science, Technology and the Environment category and Evelyn Lau’s poem Quayside in the Poetry category! As well, Blog This’s own John Degen was nominated in the Service: Lifestyle category for his Cottage Life […] More »

The Canwest Museum of Human Rights?

This Magazine Staff

Philip Gourevitch, in his essential We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families, describes the ridiculousness of reading a newspaper article on Rwandan atrocities while waiting in line at the Holocaust Memorial in Washington. During a speech at the museum’s opening ceremonies, Bill Clinton called it “an investment in […] More »

Happy Earth Day, what Stephen is reading and a salute to the student journalists of Virginia Tech

This Magazine Staff

Some of us here at This think that everyday is Earth Day, the rest of us try to act a little more green around April 22nd. There are events all over the country, and if you can’t make it, there are tons of things you can do at home or at work. Cities everywhere are […] More »

A Little Matter of Consent

This Magazine Staff

Well, it looks like the federal justice committee has just cleared the way for the passage of Bill C-22, which will raise the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16. The Conservatives are calling it the “age of protection,” and are falling all over themselves, claiming to be protecting children from exploitation. I’ve made […] More »

joy sighting in hogtown

This Magazine Staff

I hope everyone read R.M. Vaughn’s hilarious piece in the weekend Globe about how you all hate Toronto only because our shiny surfaces reflect back your own inadequacies. It warmed my heart. Brilliant writer, Vaughn. You should go buy his books. If it makes it easier, think of him as a Maritime author like that […] More »