This Magazine

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Fundie newsflash

This Magazine Staff

According to last week’s edition of the Hill Times, Darrel Reid, former director of Focus on the Family Canada, is now the deputy director of policy and research in the Prime Minister’s Office. Reid was most recently chief of staff to Rona Ambrose (when she was Environment Minister).
Just FYI, FOTF maintains that homosexual people can be “converted” through therapy, and its U.S. leader James Dobson has referred to abortion as a “baby holocaust.” Reid was (and still is) a vocal anti-gay marriage and anti-choice spokesperson. He was instrumental in setting up the FOTF-funded Institute for Marriage and Family Canada, which disguises itself as a neutral research organization, but its studies so far have attacked the usual Conservative annoyances — universal daycare, non-hetero families, etc.
If you are curious about Reid, and just how far the Christian Right has infiltrated Parliament Hill, check out this article by Marci Macdonald from a back issue of the Walrus.
— Cross-posted to Dykes Against Harper

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