This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Wednesday WTF

WTF Wednesday: Gender role reversals in sexual assault

Catherine McIntyre

Canadian women made headlines this week for some (gender) inappropriate behaviour. On Monday, three girls pleaded not guilty to pimping out other teenage girls in an Ontario based court. Together, they’re accused of using a Facebook and Twitter party ruse to first lure and then force young women into a sex trafficking ring. The Crown […] More »

WTF Wednesday: A modest proposal for sexual liberation by Barbara Amiel

Catherine McIntyre

Barbara Amiel would have aced my Grade 10 English class. One of our first assignments was to come up with a modest proposal—a satirical essay suggesting a ridiculous way to deal with a real issue, like gay rights, poverty or disease. In a Maclean’s column this week, Amiel proposed how to create an “anything goes […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Science reduced to Facebook personality tests

Catherine McIntyre

The National Academy of Science just published a study that shows what your Facebook ‘Likes’ reveal about your behaviours and personal life. The study released March 11 explains: “We show that easily accessible digital records of behavior, Facebook Likes, can be used to automatically and accurately predict a range of highly sensitive personal attributes including: […] More »

WTF Wednesday: 2013 Belongs to Target

Kate Hefford

Forget St Patrick’s Day and Easter, March 2013 is Target month. The American big box store opened its first three Canadian stores yesterday, with one each in Guelph, Milton, and Fergus, Ont. These are the first of 24 set to open this month. By the end of this year, up to 135 Targets will cover […] More »

WTF Wednesday: University says rape victim violated school’s honour code by reporting assault

Catherine McIntyre

What undermines human rights more than sexual abuse? Having no consolation that, if violated, those rights will be defended. Last spring, Landen Gambill, a student at the University of North Carolina, reported to the university’s “Honor Court” (a board of students and faculty) that she was sexually assaulted. Gambill’s alleged rapist, her ex-boyfriend, was found […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Alaska caucus shares laugh over gay rights

Catherine McIntyre

A public opinion survey released earlier this month shows that 67 per cent of Alaskans think gay couples deserve some form of legal recognition. So, in a meeting of the Alaska House Majority Caucus February 15, Mark Miller, a reporter for the Juneau Empire newspaper, asked, “would the caucus support the idea of having domestic […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Katy Perry announces that she’s not a feminist

Sara Harowitz

Katy Perry was recently named Billboard’s Woman of the Year, but she’d like you to know that she’s not a feminist. Billboard tweeted part of the pop singer’s acceptance speech, which goes: “I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women.” As you might have guessed, this caused quite an angry […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Hunter Moore is still very much Hunter Moore

Sara Harowitz

If you haven’t heard of Hunter Moore, here’s a quick debrief: The California-based guy in his late 20s has been often touted as the most hated man on the internet. Why? Because he ran a website, Is Anyone Up—a “revenge porn” site that lets people post embarrassing, exposed photos of their exes on the internet […] More »

WTF Wednesday: “Sexual economics” with Margaret Wente

Sara Harowitz

I’m 22-years-old. I graduated from university in June. I am a girl. And, well, I think Margaret Wente’s Globe and Mail article on “sexual economics” is nuts. Beyond anything else, I’m not really sure what it’s trying to teach me. Is it that young women like me are giving away sex like smiles because we’re […] More »

WTF Wednesday: A round up American election WTFs

Sara Harowitz

American politics have always been of serious interest for Canadians. Not only does the American President affect Canadian politics and procedures, but American elections are also just a heck of a lot more interesting to watch than our own. There’s something incredibly exciting about sitting around with your friends and watching the votes come in, […] More »

WTF Wednesday: A female Viagra is coming…as a nasal spray

Sara Harowitz

It’s been 14 years since the erectile dysfunction pill Viagra hit the market, and it seems like women are finally close to getting one, too—in the form of a nose spray. The product, called Tefina, is a testosterone gel that gets sprayed up the nose and absorbed within minutes, with effects that could be felt […] More »