This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Friday FTW: "Designing Obama" book evokes nostalgia for simpler time (i.e. 2008)

Graham F. Scott

Above I’ve embedded a video made by Scott Thomas, design director of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential run, stumping for a book he’s working on called Designing Obama. And in classic Barack-the-vote style, he’s relying on a web-savvy, crowd-sourced, grassroots internet campaign to get it off the ground, requiring readers to collectively pledge the US$65,000 it […] More »

In Uganda, Twitter and Facebook challenge Western media hegemony

Siena AnstisWebsite

A friend recently sent me an email commenting on the Twitter craze provoked by the recent riots in Kampala, Uganda. Within the first few minutes of the first sign of rioting, Twitter was chock-full of witness reports on the events. Just like Tehran earlier this year, Twitter delivered an instant “news” source. While Twitter provides largely […] More »

Event: This arts editor Jordan Himelfarb on "The New World of Journalism"

Graham F. Scott

Jordan Himelfarb—who among many other talents is the Arts & Ideas editor for This Magazine and senior editor of The Mark, above—is giving a talk this Wednesday in Toronto called “The New World of Journalism: Audiences, Editorial and Momentum,” and if you’re interested in the future of our troubled news media, this will be worth […] More »

Facebook's Privacy Scholars

kelli korducki

In an age when CNN can get away with quoting Twitter as “a source” in its coverage of Iran’s high-stakes political bedlam, it’s more than fair to assume that as a society, we’re still ironing out the kinks in our relationship with interactive media. For some of us that might mean, say, late-night microblogging about […] More »
July-August 2009

Twitter and the future of democracy

Navneet AlangWebsite

Sure, the web is rife with nonsense. But real political dialogue thrives too In my more idealistic moments, I always imagine I’ll stumble upon raging intellectual debate on the subway. But based on the conversations I’ve overheard lately, here’s what I can tell you about the public mood in Canada: saving GM is both the […] More »
May-June 2009

Whatever happened to “Hackers”?

Melita Kuburas

The hype’s died down, but cybercrime still thrives In the 1980s and ’90s, the term hacker struck fear into a public still new to the web — basement-dwelling loafers who were happy to take down a network or website for bragging rights. Since then new online fears have popped up that have reduced hackers to […] More »
September-October 2004

Hossein Derakhshan on how the internet has changed Iran

Andre Mayer

Hossein Derakhshan on how the internet has changed Iran More »
September-October 2003

Writers of the World, Unclench

Darren Wershler-HenryWebsite

Digital technology is making it impossible to control the spread of intellectual property. So, how are artists supposed to make a living from their work? Give it away. More »
September-October 2003

Unchain your melodies! Why we should stop worrying about ‘stolen’ music

Hal NiedzvieckiWebsite

Why indie artists should stop worrying about “stolen” music More »