This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


canada 150

July-August 2017

Canadians need better protection from oil sands cleanup liabilities

The future for oil sands mining is uncertain at best, but companies must account for the social and environmental costs now

Jodi McNeill@jodi_lm3

This year, Canada celebrates its 150th birthday. Ours is a country of rich history—but not all Canadian stories are told equally. In this special report, This tackles 13 issues—one per province and territory—that have yet to be addressed and resolved by our country in a century and a half Canada’s oil sands have long been a lightning rod […] More »
July-August 2017

Why are First Nations men overrepresented in the Yukon’s penal system?

No formal Gladue report system currently exists in the territory, which could help reduce recidivism among Indigenous offenders

Rhiannon Russell@rhrussell

This year, Canada celebrates its 150th birthday. Ours is a country of rich history—but not all Canadian stories are told equally. In this special report, This tackles 13 issues—one per province and territory—that have yet to be addressed and resolved by our country in a century and a half In 2015, the auditor general of […] More »
July-August 2017

In addressing sexual assault cases on campus, B.C. universities miss the mark

Whether new policies for handling sexual violence at universities in British Columbia will be effective remains to be seen

Madi Haslam@madihaslam

This year, Canada celebrates its 150th birthday. Ours is a country of rich history—but not all Canadian stories are told equally. In this special report, This tackles 13 issues—one per province and territory—that have yet to be addressed and resolved by our country in a century and a half In April 2016, British Columbia passed a […] More »
July-August 2017

Where CBC’s The Story of Us went wrong

From historical inaccuracies to the commentary of (irrelevant) Canadian celebrities

andrea bennett

When I was a child, I used to confuse the title of Us Weekly magazine—a glossy about celebrities—as U.S. magazine, the entirety of America summed up in a glossy about celebrities. Twenty years later, the same can be done with Canada: The Story of Us. First-person plural pronouns are a messy affair, and it turns out […] More »
July-August 2017

Q&A: Canadian artist Adrian Stimson on Canada 150 and diverse storytelling

In conversation with the curator behind Vancouver Queer Arts Festival's UnSettled

Carine Abouseif@carineabouseif

How were you chosen to curate UnSettled? I was approached in August when they had already created the UnSettled theme, linked to reconciliation. In taking it on, I decided to drop the reconciliation piece, since it’s a fundamental part of a lot of things Indigenous people are doing right now. I also wanted to give […] More »

Canada 150: Resistance, empowerment, calls for change

A special feature by Indigenous writers and writers of colour

This Magazine

This year, Canada celebrates 150 years since Confederation. It’s a milestone that’s been marketed since the clock struck midnight on January 1: There are parties to go to, maple leaf-encrusted foods to buy, special landmarks to take selfies with. Celebrating Canada’s birthday this year should be, according to many, a fun time. But it’s hard […] More »
May-June 2017

Saskatchewan artist creates her own Canada 150 tribute

Heather Cline goes against the grain in recognizing our country's sesquicentennial

John Thomson

Apartment, acrylic panel, 2016. Courtesy Heather Cline. Regina, Sask., artist Heather Cline has her own ideas about Canada’s sesquicentennial. There’s nothing wrong with a big national blowout, she says, but Ottawa’s version of an official birthday party isn’t for her. “In Canada, we talk a lot about big history moments, but I’ve always thought about […] More »
September-October 2016

Visions for Canada’s next 150 years

As Canada's sesquicentennial approaches, six writers touch on what it means to be Canadian

Becka Viau

Canada: A country, a nation, a landscape detailed in waterways, forests and plains, a natural and cultural ecosystem, a place, a name, a collection of stories bound with a common history. Canada is a construct, a myth built from these parts. And what is a myth but a powerful and pervasive narrative, an imagined reality […] More »