This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Weekend links: Lost socks? make toys!, damn young’uns and the online journalism awards

This Magazine Staff

An ingenious solution to a common modern clothing problem, the missing sock. Make a toy dog! When you’re done, donate them to kids who’ll give them a home. You don’t even have to spay or neuter them. Ah the eternal battle of young vs. old captured on video. Atlantic Monthly writer Michael Hirschorn thinks there’s […] More »

Pixels and protests

This Magazine Staff

UK-based LabourStart has been threatened by an employer targeted by online protests by the activist group, which supports labour struggles internationally. According to a release by LabourStart, members of the UNISON public-service workers union who work in homes for the aged have been told by their employer, the nonprofit Fremantle, about impending pay cuts of […] More »

Weekend links: Bears!, William Gibson, Futbol

This Magazine Staff

The above items have absolutely nothing in common except for the fact I find them entertaining. Author William Gibson’s new book has been getting pretty good press, but the folks at Boing Boing calls this Washington Post interview one of the best they’ve read. We have to admit that we’re not big soccer fans but […] More »

U.S. Senate uses questionable results to denounce global warming

This Magazine Staff

This entry from the U.S. Senate blog reads like an “I told you so” from climate change skeptics, when really there’s nothing endorsing rejection of global warming in it. More »

Weekend links: Eat local challenge, shopping hurts the environment, can you name a living composer?, meet the directors of the 11th Hour

This Magazine Staff

We hope you’re all having a good long weekend. Let’s get right to the links: Now that Fall is just around the corner, all those tasty crops should be coming to market soon. What better time to eat local. A bunch of bloggers and foodies challenge you to eat food grown as locally as possible. […] More »


This Magazine Staff

Computers located on the network controlled by pharma giant Abbott Laboratories have made over 1,000 edits to Wikipedia entries about the company and its products—according to WikiScanner, a tool created by 24-year-old scientist Virgil Griffith that analyzes public data about access to the online free-content encyclopedia. Based on the data provided by the software tool, […] More »

Friday Links: A little peace and quiet, eat it Wal Mart, one in four American adults don’t read

This Magazine Staff

Walkmans, CD players and iPods are all pretty great inventions, how else are we going to kill an hour each day on the subway? But wait, isn’t it all a little much? This article thinks that all these iPods, mp3 blogs and downloading has meant the death of silence and maybe even music itself. When […] More »

Alternate Routes: Alternatives to Institutions

This Magazine Staff

Dom and Shayna have reached Quebec as part of their summer-long road trip to explore the meaning of community in Canada, and this dispatch is part of their latest post on the Alternate Routes blog: At Maison Emmanuel, people with disabilities are encouraged to focus on their abilities by working in a variety of areas: […] More »

Unfriendly Skies

This Magazine Staff

According to The Southern African (a Toronto-based diasporic news source), aviation workers in Botswana are in an uproar about new regulations requiring regular screening for HIV—and the potential for dismissal of people who test positive. The director of the nation’s civil aviation authority, Olefile Moakofi, claimed “there are certain medical conditions that if people are […] More »

SPP Protest: Union Leader diffuses suspected provocateur

This Magazine Staff

Some of you might have heard that yesterday in Montebello, the president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union helped diffuse a situation where a rock-throwing protester attempted to breech the “green zone,” by pushing through a line of riot cops. Dave Coles from CEP did in fact break-up a potential incident, but we’re pretty […] More »

Weekend Links: Can’t fight the moonlight, master of nations and chickens coming home to roost

This Magazine Staff

We start this week’s links with a cheesy Leann Rimes reference. We’re sorry but we couldn’t resist. But we hope you read on about the Civic Twilight Design Collective’s idea for streetlights that sync up with the phases of the moon. The award-winning idea cuts down on light pollution and power use and just looks […] More »