This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Friday Links: A little peace and quiet, eat it Wal Mart, one in four American adults don’t read

This Magazine Staff

Walkmans, CD players and iPods are all pretty great inventions, how else are we going to kill an hour each day on the subway?
But wait, isn’t it all a little much? This article thinks that all these iPods, mp3 blogs and downloading has meant the death of silence and maybe even music itself.
When will companies learn that Facebook groups advertising products can backfire. Wal-Mart hasn’t, the bulk of the messages on this Wal-Mart sponsored discussion board are pretty anti Wal-Mart. The photos are pretty hilarious.
A Washington Post writer has coined the word ‘cutility,’ what happens when simple objects are given cutesy additions. We personally like our definiton of ‘cutility’; Cute objects that make us bang our heads against the wall in frustration (ie. A flying furball that escapes our reach).
Finally, one quarter of adult Americans didn’t read a single book last year. Sigh.

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