This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Weekend links: Eat local challenge, shopping hurts the environment, can you name a living composer?, meet the directors of the 11th Hour

This Magazine Staff

We hope you’re all having a good long weekend. Let’s get right to the links:
Now that Fall is just around the corner, all those tasty crops should be coming to market soon. What better time to eat local. A bunch of bloggers and foodies challenge you to eat food grown as locally as possible.
Don’t be fooled by so-called green products. All that stuff you buy still has to come from somewhere, which means it has an impact of some sort. It took a study to figure this out?
The New Music Box asks a good question…. We like living authors, living film directors but what about living composers?
Finally, Treehugger interviews the directors of the 11th Hour.

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