luke champion
Diamond Rings. Photo by Jess Baumung.
This week’s edition of Tuesday Tracks rounds up a trilogy of music videos. The theme was inspired by our first selection today. It occurred to me how much the landscape has changed over the past ten years for music videos.
As an adolescent, videos were my primary source for new music. Commercial radio was the same dire source of mediocrity that it is today and the wonders of mp3s and napster had yet to reveal themselves—so MuchMusic was king. It would just stream in the background morning, noon, and night. Of course, those days are long gone and Much reserves their musical programming for somewhere between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. Which is a shame, because it’s such a wonderful and expressive delivery method for great (and not-so-great) music, not to mention a launching pad for some of the most interesting and creative directors around. It’s a medium that allows for visual experimentation without the weight or pressure of a story, or a theatrical release.
Videos have made a mild resurgence with the internet, but there is no central hub – to my knowledge—where one can go and fill up on these little pieces of video art. So for today at least, here are three music videos. Not live videos, but honest to goodness music videos, with direction and actors and themes and vague narratives. Enjoy.
First up: DIY choreography and Ziggy Stardust-esque sports heroes. Diamond Rings is the solo project of D’Urbervilles frontman John O’Regan. It’s a laptop/keyboard/guitar pop factory that’s turning out quality products. He’s got a thing for choreography and campy style, both of which he’s refined to an art—and I love that basketball jersey.
Next is Toronto based rapper D-Sisive with a video full of big colour and bigger sound. Here we have D dressed to the retirement nines, putt-putting around on an electric scooter. The narrative is pretty straightforward, he’s out of here, “throw’n up the ‘W'” and heading for the west coast.
Finally in an obvious example of impression baiting, we have Metric. Their song, “Eclipse (All Yours)”, is the official theme some of this year’s Twilight movie, currently rampaging through box offices across the country. But I urge you, don’t click away—big budget, cross-promotional music videos were always part of the game. Anyway, this is what the kids are into these days—I thought you should know: