This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Friday links: Greening books, biofuel blowback, grey water grey water everywhere

This Magazine Staff

We love our books but let’s face it. With all that paper and printing they’re probably not all that green. Well, with the help of the Green Guide Girls maybe publishing can change their ways. Some publishers already have.
Maybe those biofuels aren’t such a good idea after all. AP is reporting that robust German biofuel initiatives might be driving up the price of beer as fewer farmers plant barley. A harbinger of things to come? We hope not.
The Grey Water guerrillas are a group that seek to use “grey water” (the water we’ve used for washing, cleaning, etc.) more efficiently. They teach people how to build small water reclamation projects but also raise awareness of the insidious movement to privatize water. Turns out they also have a book with a very snappy title (Dam nation)
Finally, the National Magazine awards want you to help them pick the best Canadian magazine cover of the last 30 years.

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