This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture

A language learning school has bright bubbles of speech coming from it, each a different colour

More than words

Caelan Beard

How Indigenous children are reclaiming their languages through immersion school

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The payday loan predicament

Erika Holter

Newcomers to Canada are being forced to navigate predatory debt cycles

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A hand picks a lush bunch of Swiss chard

Growing community

Emesha Boyko

Neighbours are gathering across the country to seize their means of food production

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Rwandese people chat, walk and care for their children in a bright, green, red, and blue segment of Toronto

Building a village

Likam Kyanzaire

How Toronto's Rwandan community is creating its own housing

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Some chairs sit dejectedly in an empty room

A sober thought

Conyer Clayton

After I quit drinking, I set off to find a new community. I'm still looking

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A person in rainbow clothing tackles another wrestler in the ring

Rebranding the ring

Jamie Burke

Pro-wrestling lays the smackdown on bigotry

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A Stanley quencher water bottle is tinted pink with several hearts around it to signify internet likes

Girl stuff

Sam Nock

It’s silly that women get bullied just for liking things, but there’s a lot more to be said on the subject

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The Eviction

Carmella Gray-Cosgrove

The guy who bought the house next to my apartment is the heir to a chain of hardware stores. I saw him teaching a young woman about the stock market at a local coffee shop. I watched him as he leaned over the young woman’s laptop, his chubby index finger pressed into the screen, making […]
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Three adults of various ages stand shoulder to shoulder wearing vests that say "community outreach" on the back.

Healing journeys

Adeline Panamaroff

They’re slumped over on the seat, head almost touching the floor of the train car. The other passengers try to politely look away, avoiding sitting in their vicinity. Is the person asleep, unconscious? Possibly unhoused, with random personal items spilling out of a ripped backpack, they might need assistance. Yet no one moves to get […]
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Thick smoke obscures a thatch of trees as a helicopter flies overhead

Battling burnout

Dan Schertzer

The silent agony of a wildfire off-season

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Two heads make copies of themselves, shifting in and out of shape

Hollywood’s mixed-race problem

Asha Swann

Movies and TV try to get it right, but they’re missing the mark

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A child in navy polka-dot pyjamas squats on their toes and grins at someone over their shoulder

Next-gen gender

Isabel Harder

Parents and designers are taking kids' fashion to the next level

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A flurry of "likes" (thumbs up), hearts, and surprised faces compete for attention

Viral load

Ashleigh-Rae Thomas

What happens to people who become internet famous?

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A collage depicts bleach being poured into soup, two women about to kiss, a DIY tattoo setup, and other shenanigans


Alana Dunlop

It’s actually pretty hard to construct a good lie. I learned this when I was sitting in a beige hospital chair, my skinny arm outstretched, purple at the spot where the wiry IV cord met my skin. I was in one of those Phase 0 studies for money, the kind where you have to stop […]
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Red and yellow sound waves stretch across a dark backdrop

Beat generation

Tyler Hein

Some people swear these auditory illusions can alter their moods

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Breaking the silence

Kena Shah

Canada is severely behind in providing support for female genital mutilation/cutting survivors

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A person wears a dreamy expression and a pair of headphones while walking

How TV podcasts helped me regain my memory after Long COVID

Nisa Malli

When my girlfriend of six years broke up with me by text, followed by a short call, I couldn’t comprehend it. It wasn’t grief, shock, or denial. My brain, damaged from 16 months of Long COVID, couldn’t read or write, splice voices from background noise, or parse words said fast enough to react. When our friends […]
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Drink tea, eat rice, go to sleep

Sophia Savva

I like working at the konbini because it convinces me I’m good and nice. Here, I’m a secondary character. I help people feed themselves and pay their bills and send mail. I don’t get into trouble. I never take off my uniform. I even wear it to bed. The armpits of the white blouse are […]
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A collage of band posters shares the names of several DIY music collectives

Something done right

Rosie Long Decter

How DIY music is staying alive despite Ticketmaster dominance

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