This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



March-April 2017

What it means to be a Canadian living without ID

Dan McLaughlin lived 15 years without government identification—and thousands of others just like him exist across the country

Megan Marrelli@megmarrelli

  The night bus to Toronto’s North York General Hospital was nearly empty at two o’clock in the morning in September 2014, and Dan McLaughlin was nervous. He was on his way to receive an MRI so that doctors could diagnose a painful back injury, the result of years of hard labour, previous drug abuse, […] More »

Wednesday WTF: Welcome to Canada, land of freedom (no homo)

Graham F. Scott

When the new study guide for immigrants applying for Canadian citizenship was published last November, a reporter asked Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney why there was no mention of Canada’s world-leading (but still-in-progress!) record on equal rights for gay and lesbian people. Here’s what Kenney said: “We can’t mention every legal decision, every policy […] More »
July-August 2009

Twitter and the future of democracy

Navneet AlangWebsite

Sure, the web is rife with nonsense. But real political dialogue thrives too In my more idealistic moments, I always imagine I’ll stumble upon raging intellectual debate on the subway. But based on the conversations I’ve overheard lately, here’s what I can tell you about the public mood in Canada: saving GM is both the […] More »
March-April 2009

Your Money or Your Life

Carolyn Morris

In a country with supposedly universal coverage, some of the most vulnerable must pay cash for health care. It costs them their livelihoods — and sometimes their lives Dr. Paul Caulford will never forget what happened to Patricia. An 18-year-old girl from Grenada, she had an athletic build, black skin, and black hair cropped at […] More »
March-April 2009

Land of the Lost

Barbara Wickens

Canada finally restores citizenship to thousands stripped of their status On April 17, thousands of “Lost Canadians” will finally have the opportunity to claim their longdenied Canadian citizenship, thanks to Bill C-37. Intended to restore citizenship to those stripped of their nationality without their consent or often even their knowledge, Bill C-37 will also rectify […] More »