This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


UN program blasted in report…

This Magazine Staff

From a BBC story: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has said he takes personal responsibility for the failures of the oil-for-food programme, highlighted in a new report. Wow, I wonder what that’s like, having a leader who accepts personal responsibility for the failures of his government. And just when does that Gomery report come down […] More »

$1.35 for a litre of gas? Who needs gas?

This Magazine Staff

“This can only be the start of a new era of public transit expansion, the beginning of a true renaissance of public transit.” This quote from Michael Roschlau, president of the Canadian Urban Transit Association, appears in the Toronto Star report on Ontario government plans, multi-billion dollar plans, to take a new leading role in […] More »

Weird action… but action

This Magazine Staff

This is painful for me: Frank Stronach is doing very good work. Roy MacGregor reports on beautiful action from the patriarch. If you can get past the standard “he arrived with $40 in his pocket, blah, blah, self-made blah, blah (sometimes it’s $40, sometimes $10, sometimes just $1 — dammit how much money did Frank […] More »

Fury’s hours

This Magazine Staff

I go away for a while and all sorts of nastiness breaks out. I’d hate to think that I was a voice of moderation around these parts. At any rate, John and Mason and Lynda and Paul S are going to have to keep carrying the pail for the time being. After multiple false starts, […] More »

Saving the politics for later

This Magazine Staff

“Why the hell can we send troops to Iraq and give Bush a blank check after 9/11 and not save the people of New Orleans?”—Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans, today, throwing away his political career to try and help dying people on the streets of his city. Here’s some more: “They don’t have a […] More »

Oh, hell

This Magazine Staff

New Orleans media watch update—I saw this post on both bookninja and boing boing today. Wire service photos showing post hurricane activity in New Orleans spot black people “looting,” and white people “finding” groceries and supplies in the flood-ravaged city. More »

“casual to the point of carelessness”

This Magazine Staff

The US president takes it on the chin this morning in an editorial from the NYTimes. No surprises there, what with the Times being the figurehead for “liberal” bias in the American media. Fox News, on the other hand, leads today with a surreal story about Bush flying over New Orleans in Air Force One, […] More »

Had to share…

This Magazine Staff

Found at Matthew Good’s mblog: “This full-color illustrated book is a fun way for parents to teach young children the valuable lessons of conservatism. Written in simple text, readers can follow along with Tommy and Lou as they open a lemonade stand to earn money for a swing set. But when liberals start demanding that […] More »

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

This Magazine Staff

Oh yeah, not only do those annoying small humans have to return to school this week, the networks are rolling out their new fall schedules. This is my favourite TV time, and the late summer of 2005 has been a doozy. The CBC lockout has been playing near havoc with my Sunday mornings (4.5 hours […] More »

Lights on, no one home

This Magazine Staff

Things are heating up in the Dominion. The Council of the Federation meeting wrapped up in Banff a couple of weeks ago, ending with a loud call for the feds to do something radical, like Fix Education for a Generation. Back in May, they struck an advisory council on the very important, though totally imaginary, […] More »

Don’t do it, Michael!

This Magazine Staff

Ignatieff comes to UofT … those close to Mr. Ignatieff acknowledge he wants to get involved in the public debate in Canada after decades of living and working in England and the United States, and spending only a small part of the year in Canada. But they say he is not yet sure whether he […] More »