This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Fury’s hours

This Magazine Staff

I go away for a while and all sorts of nastiness breaks out. I’d hate to think that I was a voice of moderation around these parts. At any rate, John and Mason and Lynda and Paul S are going to have to keep carrying the pail for the time being. After multiple false starts, I’m finally going to follow through on my promise to take a break from blogging for This Magazine. As I said before, it’s been great fun and I want to thank everyone for all their attention and enthusiasm.
I would also like to take this opportunity to announce the launch of my own personal blog. It will be the usual mix of culture, politics, music and bullshit. The debut entry is my sort-of review of Warren Kinsella’s book Fury’s Hour. All are welcome to drop by, and I hope it becomes part of your media grazing habits. Comments are open for now, but if it degenerates like it has around here I might have to do a rethink.

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