This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


$1.35 for a litre of gas? Who needs gas?

This Magazine Staff

“This can only be the start of a new era of public transit expansion, the beginning of a true renaissance of public transit.”

This quote from Michael Roschlau, president of the Canadian Urban Transit Association, appears in the Toronto Star report on Ontario government plans, multi-billion dollar plans, to take a new leading role in Toronto’s transit system, specifically helping to build the long talked about subway expansion to York University and a Steeles Avenue hook up to York Region’s complementary system to the north — hello commuters.

As always with these announcements, there is some political hoop-jumping going on as folks try to make sure they come off looking like the boss of this great idea, but who cares? Deliver the funding, deliver the expansion, but most importantly deliver the mindset that says major urban centres can’t breathe anymore so let’s stop focusing our infrastructure on people in cars.


More reasons to like high gas prices.

In the spirit of not letting Andrew Potter get away — check out the hilarious post on his own blog this morning. Seems Quebeckers on the way out of the restaurant would like some of that delicious Alberta oil money to go. Just wrap it up so we can reheat it at home.

The Potter blog, where he regularly advocates for a change in marijuana laws, can be found at The Rebel Sell.

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