This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Gung Hay Fat Choy

This Magazine Staff

“Come check it out, Gordo’s next door and he’s wearing a silk shirt,” said my coworker. We were setting up for lunch in the hotel banquet room when I got the news. “Here’s my chance,” I thought, as I eyed the pies coming from the kitchen. Gordo is British Columbia slang for Gordon Campbell, our […] More »

Songs that make you gay and clothes that make you loose

This Magazine Staff

Given that all it took Ted Haggard was 21 days to declare that he’s now “completely heterosexual” you have to wonder why the fundies are so worried about all the things that can make you gay … all it took Ted was 3 weeks and a press release to get his straight mojo back, but […] More »

Fox News fails to replicate Daily Show

This Magazine Staff

Some people seem to think that The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is losing its edge. While it’s true the era-defining satirical news show has lost a number of fine correspondents, I find the writing and analysis to be as sharp as ever on most nights. And if you need something to remind you of […] More »

Google’s Universe-like Expansion Continues– did I say Universe? I Meant Matrix.

This Magazine Staff

I’m assuming that at some point in the near future, I’ll just be lying in bed mumbling the word Google while my “consciousness” experiences a world entirely created and controlled by the multi-gazillion dollar search engine. I hope at least, in Googleality, I’ll be able to fly across the landscape like in Google Earth. In […] More »

Colonizing Africa, one clitoris at a time

This Magazine Staff

The Raelians are in the news again. This time it’s because the alien-worshipping tribe is selling their $2.95 million compound in the Eastern Townships. Apparently their expansion plans include the U.S., so they’re packing up and leaving behind a prime piece of property, including a spaceship-shaped condo complex, and a replica of the UFO that […] More »

the amateur/professional line in art

This Magazine Staff

Lots of talk on the old Internet tubes about the de-professionalizing, or even ‘democratizing’ of art (and journalism, said the blogger). It is the age of the self-taught amateur, yes? Good for all of us. What do we mean when we talk about professionalism? For the professional freelance writers I represent in my day job […] More »

At the end of the day, all porn is handheld

This Magazine Staff

Porn is a bellwether of media format success. Typically, its seedly, unspoken nature, at least according to prudish Western sensibilities, belies the fact that it has proven time and time again to be a pioneer on new technology fronts. Take, for example, the internet. While the battle fields of the world wide web lies scattered […] More »

Backing the Con(rad)

This Magazine Staff

Sick of how the United States is persecuting one of our best and brightest with a frivolous legal action inspired by little more than the inferiority complex of the common masses? It’s time to stand up for Conrad Black. Visit and leave your message of support beside those of David Frum, Baroness Thatcher, Michael […] More »

A gap in history?

This Magazine Staff

I’ve often wondered what impact digital communication will have on our record of history, and apparently I’m not the only one. In the December issue of Popular Mechanics, Brad Reagan looks at the problems faced by archivists — particularly in government — who have to preserve electronic data for generations to come: One irony of […] More »

all for one — Jane Jacobs would love Toronto FC

This Magazine Staff

image courtesy John Degen’s page on I just wanted to revisit an earlier post I made about Toronto FC, the new major league soccer club coming to Canada in the spring (first home game, April 28 against the Kansas City Wizards). Judging by Jessica’s recent post, we can’t look to Toronto City Council for […] More »

I know you are, but what am I?

This Magazine Staff

Sometimes I love the news. As if the astronaut love-triangle wasn’t giggle-inducing enough, I was delighted to be greeted by the following headline in the Toronto Star waiting for the streetcar this morning: Council bickers its way out of photo ‘An all-time low’ as councillors, mayor can’t agree on seating plan Some might wonder how […] More »