This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


This Magazine Staff

It’s a Summer Olympic tradition in Canada. Every four years, we watch hopefully but are ultimately disappointed as the Canadian team earns relatively few medals compared with other countries our size. What follows is much soul-searching in the media and a call for the federal government to invest more in our amateur athletes. This year, […] More »

Currently, we’re brain dead

This Magazine Staff

Look, I love the CBC. Radio3 on saturday night got me through my first lonely winter in Peterborough a few years ago, and now I even say “shedule”. But sometimes it takes its mandate as the People’s Radio a bit too far, to the exlusion of simple common sense. Consider the lead item on this […] More »

Playing Dress-up at the Games

This Magazine Staff

I dragged myself away from reading Alias recaps on Television Without Pity to read a lively discussion on their discussion boards about Olympic team outfits. I admit I was tantalized by the teaser on the home page–“Speedos”–but was delighted not only to find tidbits about the British team’s white swimsuits, but an interesting discussion of […] More »

savage love

This Magazine Staff

Want a quick schoolin’ in how to demolish the religious right with irony, wit, and devastating logic? On the topic of gay marriage, Dan Savage sets his opponents straight. (Caution: this article contains coarse lanaguage and adult situations) More »

How they see themselves

This Magazine Staff

Okay Andrew, I’ll bite. What I find equally interesting is that a company that runs a number of private schools in California was recently shut down by authorities for handing out high school diplomas to students after teaching them some wildly incorrect “facts” about the Excited States. In particular the students — most of them […] More »

How we see them

This Magazine Staff

A very interesting review in last weekend’s Washington Post. The book is a collection of excerpts from the history texts of various countries, focusing on what other countries teach their kids about the USA. As one might expect, the authors focus on passages that are critical of America. In particular, Canadian textbooks appear to give […] More »

Ouellet resigns

This Magazine Staff

So, Andre Ouellet has finally resigned as president of Canada Post. Or as the CBC website puts it, he has “quit amid allegations of excessive spending, questionable hiring practices and ties to the federal sponsorship scandal.” Among Ouellet’s crimes: he gave jobs to his friends and relatives, he sponsored a TV show about Rocket Richard, […] More »

Social democracy in Quebec

This Magazine Staff

Update — August 14 Paul Wells continues the discussion on his blog, with devastating arguments. I cannot overstate how important I think it is that everyone read inkless Wells, everyday. He is easily the best columnist writing on national affairs in this country. After ten years in Onterrible, I have returned to Quebec, fetish of […] More »

Clinton in Toronto

This Magazine Staff

Did anyone catch Bill Clinton being interviewed on the CBC this morning by my old soccer chum Adrian Harewood (filling in for Anna Maria Tremonti)? It was a fascinating interview, if only because it was a a sad reminder of what poor communicators most politicians are in comparison. I think Paul Wells had it right […] More »

Sex and the Single Voter

This Magazine Staff

If, after reading David Hayes’ fascinating tour of NASCAR country, We’re not in Dixie anymore, Bubba and are wondering just what the fuss is about the single female vote in the US, check out this excellent article at Mother Jones online, One Woman, One Vote. The problem for the left as they see it is […] More »

National Unity Blah Blah Blah

This Magazine Staff

Update: Of course, I could be totally wrong about all of this. John Ibbitson seems to think so. (Edited because when I’m in a bad mood I indulge in gratuitous insults) This is one of the least helpful articles I have read on the topic in a while. It is an op-ed in today’s Globe […] More »