This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


This Magazine needs your help!

Sara Harowitz

Readers, friends, and supporters: It’s with a lot of excitement and pride that we announce This Magazine‘s first-ever Year in Review.

This magazine, a special seventh issue, will be unlike anything you’ve read before. There won’t be articles on celebrities, trends, or the top newsmakers. Instead, what you’ll find is the top 25 stories you missed this year—but shouldn’t have. These are stories that matter. They are stories on equal rights, environmentalism, national transit, suicide, and more. Simply put: these are stories you need to read.

That being said, This Magazine is a small, independent publication, so we need your help to get this issue off the ground and into newsstands. For more information on how you can contribute, where your donation will go, and what we’ll give you in return, check out our campaign page. Thank-you for taking the time to read us, enjoy us, and support us.

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