This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture

November-December 2017

REVIEW: Lauren McKeon’s new book sheds light on the world of anti-feminism

Inside F-Bomb: Dispatches from the War on Feminism

Stephanie Milliken

419oNlTp1TL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_F-Bomb: Dispatches from the War on Feminsim
By Lauren McKeon
Goose Lane Editions, $22.95

In her first book, F-Bomb: Dispatches from the War on Feminism, Lauren McKeon, an award-winning writer, former This Magazine editor, and contributing editor at Toronto Life, investigates why contemporary feminism is deeply fragmented, and argues that we cannot continue to ignore women who practise an actively anti-feminist politic if we want to counteract their messages on a grand scale. In a manner that is both personal and unpretentious, McKeon deftly critiques more palatable “empowerment” and “choice” narratives of feminism, and demonstrates why our feminism(s) must be intersectional, embrace difference, and begin with compassion.

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