This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Friday FTW: "Bottled water blinds puppies"

Graham F. Scott

Bottled water causes blindness in puppies - via Tappening

[On Wednesday, we introduced the first in our new WTF/FTW series of blog posts. Today we bring you the flipside of Wednesday WTF (bad/crazy/stupid news): Friday FTW (good/awesome/fun news).]

U.S. website Tappening, a project and blog advocating that you ditch bottled water and drink from the tap like a normal person, launched a separate microsite this week, Operating on the notion that if the bottled water industry lies about its product all the time — that bottled water is healthier, purer, less contaminated, environmentally friendly, etc — StartALie fires back with its own lies about the industry, made up by readers. They include:

  • 32% of profits from bottle water are used to support Eastern European art thieves.
  • Studies show bottled water causes tooth decay.
  • Prolonged consumption of bottled water can cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Bottled water caused the mortgage crisis.
  • Bottled water creates inane web site posts!

That last one proves to be true; StartALie is now filled with Russian spam, juvenile poop jokes, and assorted other interwebs jetsam. But the project is attention-grabbing and fun, with less of the usual tut-tutting that accompanies many of these awareness-raising campaigns. Tappening’s blog aggregates news and opinion about tap water vs. bottled water, and they sell some smart-looking BPA-free bottles to carry your own tap water wherever you go.

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