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Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Kyoto Accord

Stop Everything #3: Warm snap has us longing for cold November rain

rebecca mcneil

Three years ago, at least partly a result of an unusually warm winter, climate change broke through mainstream media as a major issue. Today, I’m experiencing a bit of a déjà vu. It is mid-November and yesterday there was a high of 18 degrees in Toronto. While we might relish a balmy November day after […] More »

EcoChamber #19: World War Three is already here. It's called climate change

emily hunter

It’s as if we’re in a car that is blazing along. We are on cruise control as we hit a crossroads. We desperately need to make a turn. But instead of slowing down or making shifts in the wheel, we’re full-speed ahead. It’s a diverse group of us in the car but all we’re doing […] More »

EcoChamber #18: Canada's crumbling Copenhagen climate countdown

emily hunter

It was the largest lobbying event on climate change in Canadian history: thousands of Canadians from across the country united on Parliament Hill last Saturday as part of the 350 International Day of Climate Action to demand leadership on the issue. Yet our government will hold off on making its decision to prevent catastrophic global […] More »

EcoChamber #14: Science Fiction and Fact collide in Alberta's tar sands

emily hunter

[This is part two of a three-part series of posts Emily is writing on the tar sands. Last week’s post is here.] It’s scary sometimes how science fiction can parallel with reality. The Tar Sands dilemma has come to do just that. As we seek to find a solution to our intensive emissions, here in […] More »

EcoChamber #13: Stephen Harper's climate math doesn't add up

emily hunter

[This is the first in a three-part series on the Alberta tar sands. Also note: EcoChamber will be moving to Mondays starting today.] There is a sense of progress in the air. For the first time in over a decade, G8 countries and developing nations, including China and India, have agreed to reduce their emissions […] More »

EcoChamber #11: That 'green' product? Probably not so green.

emily hunter

It seems like everything has “gone green” these days. From retailers to celebrities, airlines to hotels, banks to even runway fashion, the environment is sexy in the marketplace for the first time. But is all the publicity really helping Mother Nature? When consumers are being “greeenwashed” in their attempt to fit into a petite size […] More »