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Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Huffington Post

WTF Wednesday: Swiffering out feminism

Hillary Di Menna

Cleaning commercials have always been crystal clear on whose job it is to keep the family home sparkling. It is a pretty standard formula to show women on the brink of orgasm, dancing over their whites getting their whitest, high on the fumes of the chemicals responsible for their Martha Stewart castles. It’s been a […] More »

Friday FTW: Special Olympian stands up to Ann Coulter

Sara Harowitz

“Every day I get closer to living a life like yours.” It was 2008 when John Franklin Stephens, who has Down syndrome, wrote those words, but their importance has not diminished in the four years that have passed. A Special Olympics athlete and global messenger, Stephens recently had to once again defend his humanity—and, it […] More »