This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



September-October 2017

What a day at the gun range with the far right taught me about my political echo chamber

Kristy Woudstra on shooting with the enemy

Kristy Woudstra

A range officer waves me forward into the shooting bay. The semi-automatic rifle he places in front of me is surprisingly light in my shaking hands. “I’m probably going to get this all wrong,” I nervously shout, the only way to communicate thanks to the heavy-duty ear muffs strapped over our heads to protect our hearing. […] More »

Absolutely everything you need to know about today's gun registry vote

Graham F. Scott

UPDATE, Sept. 22, 1:55 pm: CanWest Postmedia reports that C-391 sponsor MP Candice Hoeppner “has all but conceded defeat” and “given up on last-minute lobbying” for today’s vote, and calls the eight liberals and 12 NDPers who voted in favour last time, “turncoats.” She estimates the government is one — one! — vote short, which […] More »
November-December 2008

How Canada’s secretive arms trade ruins our peacekeeping reputation

Jenn Hardy

In July 2008, Switzerland’s Small Arms Survey released its 2008 annual report on which countries have the best and the worst records when it comes to transparency and the small arms trade — the diversion of weapons such as rifles and anti-tank guided weapons that can fuel civil conflicts and insurgencies. Canada’s score? A disappointing […] More »