This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Fernwood Publishing

What comes next for Canadians fighting to legalize drugs?

Excerpt of Susan Boyd's Busted: An Illustrated History of Drug Prohibition in Canada

Susan Boyd

For over a century, criminalized drugs have been demonized, as were the people who used and sold them. Criminalized drugs have long been linked to marginalized and racialized groups, who have been depicted as outsiders to the nation threatening moral Canadians. Politicians, law enforcement, media and vocal spokespeople fuelled drug scares and circulated fabrications and […] More »
September-October 2017

REVIEW: New book details the origins of the women’s shelter movement

Inside Margo Goodhand's Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists

Ophelie Zalcmanis-Lai

Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists: The Origins of the Women’s Shelter Movement By Margo Goodhand Fernwood Publishing, $20 Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists by journalist Margo Goodhand is a detailed account of the start of the women’s shelter movement across Canada. Featuring many first-hand accounts, Goodhand’s storytelling quickly enthralls readers in a dark history in […] More »