This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


July-August 2022

Facing bald

There is no playbook for aging in a non-binary body

Alex Manley

Photo by ISTOCK/YNGSA The thought only seems to come in the mirror. It plays out staccato, like a chess game, tennis match, sword fight. It’s helping. No, it’s not. It could be. It’s obviously not helping. Look, the spot there, a bit back from the front, to the left—no, the right—it’s barer than before. OK. […]

Caribou in decline

The caribou population in Quebec is dwindling due to human activity and the well-being of their habitats is in danger. Here’s why we need to be paying attention and advocating for change

Sara Hashemi

Moving in

What living with my father-in-law has taught me about elder care and family

Emma McKenna

Illustration by Diana Bolton Family has always been complicated for me. My father left when I was three, and by the time I was 10 he had disappeared completely. I left home at 16 and struggled to obtain housing, briefly finding stability in a group home. I moved on to various households with my siblings, […]

The model minority performance

Why are white people always asking me for validation?

Karen K. Tran

Illustration by Jaden Tsan “It’s not like you even act that Asian”—these words were spoken to me by a white now-ex-boyfriend of mine during a casual conversation. At the time, I let it go because I was not sure how I felt about it, but the words have stuck with me. How exactly am I […]

Sex, lies, and the city

What And Just Like That… gets wrong about women’s friendships

Danita Steinberg

Photo by INSTAR Images / Alamy Stock Photo When it first aired over two decades ago, Sex and the City’s fantasy lay in an idyllic New York City lifestyle of affordable rent, flowing cosmopolitans, closets full of expensive designer fashion, a revolving door of attractive men for one and all, and an endless string of […]