This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Friday FTW: Human rights museum asks gay couples to share their stories for exhibit

Catherine McIntyre

The Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg is asking for marriage photos from same-sex couples couples for the museum’s opening exhibit in 2015. The exhibit pays tribute to the struggle for gay rights, but it is also intended to “normalize” LGBT relationships for people who are perhaps a little homophobic. For the most part, the […] More »

WTF Wednesday: Alaska caucus shares laugh over gay rights

Catherine McIntyre

A public opinion survey released earlier this month shows that 67 per cent of Alaskans think gay couples deserve some form of legal recognition. So, in a meeting of the Alaska House Majority Caucus February 15, Mark Miller, a reporter for the Juneau Empire newspaper, asked, “would the caucus support the idea of having domestic […] More »

In memory of Kyle Scanlon

Katie Toth

Yesterday, I learned that Kyle Scanlon, a well-loved and respected member of the trans* activist scene in Toronto, had died. Kyle committed suicide last week in his Toronto home. He’s not someone I knew well, but I’d reported on a couple events featuring Kyle’s presence in the past. It was a shock to think that […] More »

The long road of LGBTQ rights in Canada

Kyle Dupont

Toronto’s LGBTQ community is gearing up for what is set to be another successful Pride Week in the city. The event  has taken place in various forms since the late 1970s and has run annually since 1981. It continues to grow increasingly popular within the LGBTQ community, but also with all members of society. Last […] More »

Messy Monday, June 18: Birthers, bullets, and buzz

Katie Toth

GOP convention features bullet-pocked Obama outhouse In case you’ve been living under a rock this year, a presidential election in the U.S. is fast approaching. That means all decorum is lost and the shit hits the fan—or, in the case of some political “art,” the bathroom. A Republican Party convention in Montana this weekend featured […] More »

Messy Monday June 11: Ex-gay therapy, tales from the Vatican, and one more reason to love Sweden

Katie Toth

Hello, This Kiddos. Today I woke up and read that ex-gay therapy is still being presented as the way to “help” kids who are dealing with homophobic harassment and thoughts of suicide. Oh man, guys, I’m so vexed about this I can’t even find something witty to write. Ex-gay therapy is promoted as solution to […] More »
May-June 2012

JJ Levine tackles sexuality with lens and scissors

Shannon Webb-Campbell

The fate of JJ Levine’s unconventional hair salon, Lesbian Haircuts for Anyone was in jeopardy this past winter. Levine’s salon has operated out of Bikurious cycle shop in Montreal for the past six years. In 2008, Bikurious owner Danielle Flowers sold the shop, which was then called Révolution Montréal, to two of her employees, on […] More »

Catholic schools clash with LGBT rights — but "institution" isn't a synonym for faith

peter goffin

That Catholic schools do not always look positively upon homosexuality may not come as a great surprise, given their collective track record. But in the past week, two news stories have brought new and unique anti-gay measures taken at Catholic schools to light. First, officials at Missisauga’s St. Joseph’s Catholic  Secondary School allegedly restricted students’ use of […] More »

42 years on, the freedoms that Bill C-150 affirmed can't be taken for granted

hilary beaumont

Tomorrow, let’s take a moment to reflect on the 42nd anniversary of the passing of Bill C-150, the omnibus bill that decriminalized abortion, contraception and homosexuality. The rights that Canadians have because of this historic bill are crucial to remember as those same rights come under attack elsewhere: on Wednesday, Indiana became the first state […] More »

Here's what will happen to 5 bills that died when the election was called

This Magazine Staff

We profile five legislative initiatives that died on the docket—and find out which of them will be re-attempted after the election Compiled by Dylan C. Robertson & Victoria Salvas This election means death. Not only have Ottawa scrums, filibusters, and drawn-out committees been killed, pieces of legislation making their way through parliament have all met […] More »

Marriage commissioners must marry same-sex couples, Saskatchewan court rules

victoria salvas

Six years ago Canada became one of only four countries in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Yet, six years later, and some same-sex couples still aren’t hearing wedding bells. Marriage commissioners, appointed by a province to marry couples in a non-religious ceremony, still have the option to opt out of marrying the couple if […] More »