This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


what’s the principle, Paul?

This Magazine Staff

This hasn’t been widely reported by the eastern-bastard media, but Saskatchewan’s bid to get energy revenues excluded from the equalization formula has hit a bit of a snag. The House of Commons defeated a Conservative motion to that effect yesterday. The bid was defeated by a vote of 182-105 with the Bloc Quebecois siding with […] More »

Blame Rammestein. Blame Homestar.

This Magazine Staff

It would appear that wannabe trenchcoat mafioso Jeff Weise left a handful of clues to his murderous intentions. Apparently his favourite bands included Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, and John “happpiness is a warm gun” Lennon. But more interesting is the bit of flash animation he posted online. Called “Target Practice,” the bit shows a character […] More »

Oh, and some Mexican.

This Magazine Staff

Nice work by the Globe and Mail this morning, reporting on Paul Martin’s meet ‘n greet with U.S. President Bush. Judging by the photo below, they got all chummy together in a Waco. Of course, the photo accompanying the actual story pulls back a bit to show that Mexican President, Vicente Fox (Ringo, to his […] More »

Odds and Sods

This Magazine Staff

UPDATE: Ok all you lurkers or non-punk rock book cover fans. Time to put down that work you are doing and get involved. Warren K himself has just dropped by the comments string. He cares what you think! 1. Warren Kinsella has posted the mockup for the cover of his new book about punk, Fury’s […] More »

Strange Doings at The University of Calgary

This Magazine Staff

According to this story in The Varsity (the University of Toronto student paper), select staff at U of C’s The Gauntlet have been temporarily removed from their positions for publishing a photo of a public event that occurred publicly on the public campus of public University of Calgary. Have I said the word public enough? […] More »

Has Been

This Magazine Staff

UPDATE OK, listen up Annette. Shatner has been given a Fame Audit by Fametracker, and you know what? It’s bitchin’. In fact, it is probably the best Fame Audit they’ve ever done. And that’s no surprise, you know why? Because it was written by Fametracker’s Man From Funkle, aka Adam Sternbergh, former Postie and Saturday […] More »

More consequences…

This Magazine Staff

From the NY Times: Mr. Bush lifted off in his Marine One helicopter from his 1,600-acre ranch in Crawford under warm, sunny skies shortly before noon on Sunday. Minutes later he landed in nearby Waco, where he boarded Air Force One wearing a suit and a tie. His manner was crisp and businesslike, and he […] More »

Consequences of conservatism

This Magazine Staff

I’ve always thought that Canadian and American politics were almost mirror images of each other, in the following sense: In Canada, the Liberal party has managed to remain united through thick and thin, and has thus consolidated and held power as a centre-left regime for most of the past 100 years. On the other side […] More »

Eat This, part 2

This Magazine Staff

More from House of Anansi’s latest how to save earth manual, Feeding the Future (A. Heintzman and E. Solomon, editors). In his essay on technology and food, The High Tech Menu, William I. Atkinson discusses the relatively new science of nanotechnology: “The DoubleCore, Wilson’s top-of-the-line tennis ball, gets its name from an extra layer of […] More »

Canada’s National Magazine of Toronto reborn

This Magazine Staff

Here’s a sneak peek at the redesigned Toronto Life. According to a brief article in Masthead online, editor John Macfarlane said that unlike many redesigns, this one was not forced upon them by an advertising, circulation or editorial crisis. “It’s better to make changes when you don’t have to,” said Macfarlane. He said the staff […] More »

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

This Magazine Staff

Ah, my second-least-favourite “holiday”. It’s right up there with Valentine’s Day, which takes top honours, for reasons which I probably don’t have to explain to anyone. I was going to blog this morning about the Irish really deserve more credit than they get, and that Guinness Canada’s marketing ploy to get March 17th made into […] More »