This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Tale of Two Capital Cities

This Magazine Staff

No chance of missing the latest information about the London bombings last week. Any paper will do. The death toll is up to 52. Here’s a link. And then there’s the (at least) 48 innocent Iraqis who were blown up by a suicide bomber yesterday in Baghdad. The victims were waiting to sign up for […] More »

Welcome Emily

This Magazine Staff

All you This Magazine subscribers who tore open your copy of the July/August issue and turned straight to the editorial will already know that I’m leaving the magazine next week to head to sunny Ottawa and a job at Canadian Geographic magazine. But, as always, This is in good hands. Our new editor, Emily Schultz […] More »

London Calling

This Magazine Staff

Yesterday afternoon, I spent three hours of my life opining on the CBC about the actions of the 200 or so “anarchists” who engaged in running street fights with police in Scotland. I was asked to respond to an interview clip from a Canadian activist named Hodge, who declared that the true violence was being […] More »

Most overrated songs?

This Magazine Staff

What’s summer for if not goofing off and wasting time with asinine debates? Nothing, of course! In that spirit, let’s try this one on for size, shall we? Here we have a list of the 13 most overrated songs of all time. I have to agree with one of them for sure (“Imagine” is a […] More »

He’s like a freakin’ god or something

This Magazine Staff

Nothing can make you cynical faster than following pro-sports because you happen to love the game. Baseball players pounding out record home run years and then testifying before Congressional hearings into steroids. Ouch. Let’s not even talk about pro hockey. And then there’s that Lance Armstrong guy. He’s got the looks, the girlfriend, the life […] More »

Coralling Karla

This Magazine Staff

Quebec is not the only North American jurisdiction grappling with what to do with unimprisoned sex offenders in their midst. This article from the LA Times documents the strange ideas we get when we feel so threatened. Here’s my favorite quote: “If we can get these people out of our community, it’s not that these […] More »

Danger! Media — er, I mean Karla — on the loose!

This Magazine Staff

Did anybody catch the interview Karla Homolka gave on Radio-Canada (French TV) this evening, mere hours after leaving prison? Well, surprise surprise, the woman isn’t a monster! From what I saw she seems to be an intelligent, remorseful woman who wants to rebuild her life, contribute to the world and put a dreadful mistake behind […] More »

Welcoming AA

This Magazine Staff

Seen on the marquee over Zanzibar’s, a downtown Toronto strip club, this weekend: Welcome Alcoholics Anonymous. Hot Girls and Cold Soft Drinks—Come On Inside Toronto is hosting the annual convention of AA this weekend, and 60,000 delegates are in the city, making it the biggest convention Toronto has ever hosted. Walking around downtown they are […] More »

Home is where the rock is

This Magazine Staff

I am sad. I just found out over the weekend that one of Canada’ best little indie labels Three Gut Records is calling it quits. The Toronto-based, Guelph-founded, label is home to some of our country’s best music (in my opinion) including: the Constantines, Jim Guthrie, Royal City, Gentleman Reg, Cuff the Duke and Sea […] More »

my kind of headline writer

This Magazine Staff

Potter-mania shifts up a gear More »

my painful monkey spine

This Magazine Staff

About ten minutes ago, I booked an appointment with Benjamin, a granite-handed Russian massage therapist who, sometime around 6:15pm tomorrow, will have me begging for mercy as he digs his thumbs under my collarbone. I’ve had neck problems since I was 28, largely caused by spending my mid-20s hunched over a computer in a fit […] More »