This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Commitment to sustainability or smogscreen?

This Magazine Staff

One of Andrew Potter’s comments on the Liberal convention was bang-on: A party that did sweet bugger all about Kyoto for 13 years, despite possessing three bulletproof majorities, will now elect a leader whose overriding agenda will be to save the Earth from the CO2 depradations of Americans and Stephen Harper. I can’t imagine they’ll […] More »

Anniversary party photos

This Magazine Staff

If you weren’t able to make it out to our 40th anniversary bash at Toronto’s Gladstone Hotel last month, we have photos of the event online at Flickr, the photo sharing site. Included are snapshots by Chris Blanchenot of speakers such as Rick Salutin and Mel Watkins (right), the half-eaten cake generously purchased by Joyce […] More »

Film Club: Back with a vengeance

This Magazine Staff

After a bit of a break, This Magazine’s Film Club is back — now as a monthly dose instead of weekly. Check out our December 2006 newsletter, now posted here. And, of course, you can sign up to receive the Film Club Newsletter by emailing filmclub[at] Highlights include December events like the Whistler Film Festival, […] More »

Black crows inspire Vancouver

This Magazine Staff

If you’ve spent much time in Vancouver, especially East Vancouver, you’ve probably been captivated by the migration of crows from downtown to parts east that occurs around dusk each day. From the window of my old, top-floor apartment on East 10th, it was a comforting ritual to watch. Now, a group of musicians are ready […] More »

Andrew Potter – sewer socialist

This Magazine Staff

On Buy Nothing Day, those kids at the Torontoist blog are showing their dedication to balance by interviewing lapsed culture jammer, Andrew Potter. It’s a great chat, so check it out. I thought of Potter last night while I read an essay about the American socialist poet Carl Sandburg. I think Potter would like Sandburg. […] More »

State of Toronto’s Arts

This Magazine Staff

In a year City Hall is calling the Year of Creativity for Toronto, what is needed is an honest survey of the city’s arts community: From expensive productions to hidden gems, how are the arts helping to shape Toronto? This Sunday, interested parties can take a step toward answering this question by attending a day-long […] More »

say what you want, God’s got some moves

This Magazine Staff

Almost lost in the media parade recently was this fascinating debate that Time Magazine arranged on the nagging minor question of the existence of God. They put preeminent Darwinist Richard Dawkins (author of the bestselling The God Delusion) together in their board room with preeminent geneticist (and devout Christian) Francis Collins. Collins is responsible for […] More »

Two legs good, four legs bad

This Magazine Staff

On human rights: “The Chinese have since said they would like to have a meeting [with Stephen Harper], but also vowed to oppose any ‘irresponsible’ interference in its internal affairs.”– Globe & Mail On the environment: ‘There are some who are using the Kyoto Protocol to create divisions within our country, but we will not […] More »

Next up: Emissions restrictions on Don Cherry

This Magazine Staff

As a subscriber to The Hockey News, the last thing I expect to see is a story on global warming. But there it is, on page 51 of this week’s edition (not available online, though): a nice Adam Proteau column on NHLers whose eyes are wide open when it comes to climate change issues. Calgary […] More »

dude’s week just got worse

This Magazine Staff

From the chickens have a habit of roosting department: Donald Rumsfeld spent the early part of the week wondering why the President wouldn’t phone him back. Then he watched the Republicans get booted out of everywhere but the White House — at which point I guess he started hoping the President wouldn’t call. Then the […] More »

White poppies upset some veterans

This Magazine Staff

Depending on the year, sometimes I buy a poppy and sometimes I don’t. I guess it has something to do with what message I feel I’m sending by wearing one. This year, I’ve decided not to buy one — even though I would be wearing it in remembrance of the horrors of war and the […] More »