This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Long Weekend Links: Zero footprint calculator, more ads on TV and hopscotch

This Magazine Staff

Toronto’s Mayor David Miller was at the C40 Large Cities conference and unveiled a zero footprint calculator with Ron Dembo, CEO of zerofootprint. It will be live soon but you can try it out. TV networks have been whining about decreasing ad revenues for a long time now. As more of us Tivo, download and […] More »

the self-correcting internet touches down in Iceland

This Magazine Staff

(photo courtesy Rebekka) This one’s got everything I love — a copyright fight, great photography, Iceland, some folks behaving badly and genuine contrition. Maybe there is something to this internet thing after all. Most everyone has by now heard of the talented Rebekka Gudleifsdottir, a Flickr photography star of the highest order. Rebekka’s stunning Icelandic […] More »

Speaking ill of the dead

This Magazine Staff

I know I’m not the only one who started singing “ding-dong the witch is dead” when I heard yesterday that gay-hating televangelist Jerry Falwell had kicked the bucket. I felt not a second of hesitation before letting out a little cheer, imagining an afterlife for Mr. Falwell filled with teletubbies, feminists and sodomites. Does this […] More »

Free Alan Johnston, Toronto journalists say

This Magazine Staff

On Thursday afternoon, I attended a rally outside the CBC building in Toronto in support of the BBC’s Gaza correspondent, Alan Johnston, who has been held by a militant group in the region since they abducted him some 62 days ago. A few CBC personalities and other journalists said a few words each to the […] More »

Friday Links: Oh how we wish it were true, reality TV meets magazine and Happy Mother’s Day!

This Magazine Staff

One half of the duo of delusion stepped down from his position of power today. But man, do we wish this CNN screen grab was true. Sadly it’s just a typo. Opinions on graffiti might vary, but man do we dislike corporate graffiti. Here’s hoping this idea takes off. We’re partially frightened but also very […] More »

Girl, you’re gonna want in on this…

This Magazine Staff

Just a quick follow up to Shawn’s posting below. I’m not sure anymore which wave of feminism we’re in, and this, um, intriguing Locher’s clothing line is not helping clear up my confusion. Do I give the “Will f*** for shoes” shirt with irony, or sincerity? Someone help me out here. (image courtesy Thanks […] More »

“Man, you’re gonna want in on this…”

This Magazine Staff

On my walk into work this morning through Toronto’s Entertaintainment District, I was barraged by a slew of posters promising the ultimate Man’s Night Out: An exclusive evening out just for men—celebrating all the things us guys love most. The latest gadgets. The hottest wheels. The best sports moments. The finest cigars, beers and scotches… […] More »

May-June issue now online

This Magazine Staff

Hot off the digital presses, it’s the May-June issue of This Magazine! Tired of hearing about how hard cities have it in Canada? In this issue, Geoff Heinricks implores us to get with the program and move back to the land, where sustainability really lies. Meanwhile, we profile Blake Hunter, a 25-year-old Saskatchewan farmer who […] More »

The Webbys, Spinal Tap and Saturday is going to be a great day!

This Magazine Staff

Ah, we remember when the Webbys were a little niche award, this year David Bowie is going to be at the gala in June. We want to draw your attention to two winners: Greenpeace’s Green your apple site won a Webby for activism. Their site tries to take Apple to task for using toxic materials […] More »

shame on whom?

This Magazine Staff

Some intriguing details coming out of Britain surrounding the resignation of Lord Browne as head of British Petroleum after revelations of, among other things, a gay affair. The intrigue? No-one’s all that intrigued. “Gay stories are just not appealing to the masses it seems.” — so says PR consultant Max Clifford in The Guardian, attempting […] More »

Who Would Strombo Do?

This Magazine Staff

Our friends at The Beaver, Canada’s history magazine, are running a competition I can get behind. The Worst Canadian You can fill out a two-question survey or email your nomination to [email protected]. Hurry, you only have a few days left to nominate the nastiest, vilest, murderous and dishonest Canadians you know. Thanks to DB Scott’s […] More »