This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


You Have A Choice: Stop Being an Orphan Voter

This Magazine Staff

A few days ago, released a song, “You Have A Choice”, a catchy ditty about how you can stop a Harper majority through strategic voting. To save the world from escalating temperatures due to the mass release of greenhouse gases (GHG), one should vote for the candidate most likely to defeat the Conservatives. Um, […] More »

What have you got up your sleeve, Steve?

This Magazine Staff

After being mercilessly ridiculed at last week’s leadership debates for not having released a party platform, Stephen Harper is apparently planning to unveil his master plan tomorrow. Based on the past four-odd weeks of campaigning, here are my predictions for what the Tory 2008 Platform will promise: For families – Parents will continue to receive […] More »

This blog has seven days

This Magazine Staff

Here’s a quick recap of the topics blogged about this week, in what has been a very busy five days: On Monday The NDP finally released their platform, and The Political Compass helped us situate the five parties (turns out the Green party are right wing authoritarians — Just kidding. Sort of.) On Tuesday We […] More »

Get off your ass and vote on October 14

This Magazine Staff

I’m still recovering from keeping up with the antics of last night’s leadership debate (“Where are you hiding your platform?” Layton prodded Harper. “Under the sweater?” Just one of the many, many highlights from last night’s festivities, which can be viewed at CBC online.) so for today I’m going to take a break from policy […] More »

This Magazine liveblogs the October 2 English-language leaders' debate

This Magazine Staff

And here we go again: Dominique Jarry Shore’s great liveblog of the French-language federal leadership debate last night was such a success, we’re doing it again! Tonight, This Magazine editor Graham F. Scott and This Election Blog SquadTM member Melissa Wilson will be doing the full rundown of the debate. You can follow the liveblog […] More »

Why so quiet Tory candidates?

This Magazine Staff

This article in today’s Toronto Star caught my eye. It’s about how more than a few Conservative candidates have been missing local debates and dodging local reporters. The reason why it grabbed my attention is because I’ve being hearing how my riding’s Tory candidate has often been M.I.A. when it comes to public events (though […] More »

But where do they live?

This Magazine Staff

I think it’s pretty important for a candidate to live in the riding they’re running in. But often they don’t. Is this a big deal? Should it matter? To me, living in the riding shows a commitment to the people of the area and that the person isn’t just some fly-by-the-night stand-in. By living in […] More »

What war in Afghanistan?

This Magazine Staff

Last week Senator Barack Obama voiced his concern about the unfavourable manner in which little foreign kids with dreams perceive America. Do any of our candidates care about how they perceive Canada? The CBC asks, have foreign policy issues dropped off the radar? To rephrase a coworker who recently quipped, “What war in Afghanistan?” my […] More »

This Magazine liveblogs the October 1 French-language leaders debate

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine election blogger Dominique Jarry-Shore will be liveblogging the French-language leaders’ debate tonight. And tune in tomorrow when we’ll be doing the same with the English-language debate. The debate starts at 9 pm EST. Dominique’s commentary will appear in the window below. You can also read it at ScribbleLive and even leave comments in […] More »

enviro-friendly debate

This Magazine Staff

For all you environmentally conscious types who believe the problems facing our rapidly weakening ecosystem can be tackled by government regulation and coordination, check out this piece from the CBC. It streamlines the deluge of information we have been getting from our federal parties into a simple assessment of what their environmental proposals are, how […] More »

Plagiarism scandal's source more intriguing than its substance

This Magazine Staff

There are two questions no one seems to be asking about the Liberals latest hatchet job on Stephen Harper. When did they discover this undeniable similarity between his 2003 Iraq speech and John Howards’, and how did they discover it? Harper gave the speech five years ago, and while that doesn’t let him off the […] More »