This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Have you taken our reader survey yet? You could win an autographed copy of The Shock Doctrine!

This Magazine Staff

You’d be surprised how close the resemblance is between This Magazine’s offices and the set of “The Price is Right.” The shag carpeting, the spinning contraptions, the screaming fans — it’s quite the work environment. But of course the thing that unites us most are the FABULOUS PRIZES that are available. If you come on […] More »

ThisAbility #5: Walking between worlds

This Magazine Staff

I have a favorite Thai restaurant, here in Toronto, called Salad King. There’s nothing I love more than selecting how many chilies I want with my mango chicken, but I can’t take anyone I know there — or at least, not unless they can conquer the huge front step outside the front door. But in […] More »

Guest Blogger: Fracturing the rainbow alliance

This Magazine Staff

[Editor’s Note: from time to time we feature guest bloggers on important issues. Email editor at thismagazine dot ca to enquire about contributing.] BY CATE SIMPSON Forty years after the Stonewall riots, Julie Bindel, writing in The Guardian earlier this week, claims that trans men and women haven’t earned the right to be recognized by […] More »

Listen to This podcast: Toronto Life's Aqsa Parvez cover story, "Girl, Interrupted"

This Magazine Staff

If the audio player doesn’t display, click here to download the mp3 file. The current issue of Toronto Life magazine features a cover story on the murder of Aqsa Parvez, the Mississauga teen who was killed last year, allegedly by members of her own family, over a dispute about — well, it’s tough to say […] More »

Saving the environment in Ontario just became illegal

This Magazine Staff

How’s that for a sensationalist headline? I couldn’t resist. The Ontario Highway Transport Board has recently ruled that rideshare website Pickup Pal is breaking the law by allowing users to coordinate carpools and offer rides to mutually convenient destinations for a fee. The Toronto Star reports that the decision was instigated by chartered bus company […] More »

Review: Thomas L. Friedman's Hot, Flat, and Crowded

This Magazine Staff

Thomas L. Friedman, Foreign Affairs columnist of The New York Times, has written a new book called Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How It Can Renew America. This is Friedman’s contribution to the growing literature on environmental issues, and it’s an ambitious one. The first few sections of […] More »

A second chance to do Canada's portrait gallery right

This Magazine Staff

The Tory government’s decision to toss out the whole idea of building a permanent home for the Portrait Gallery of Canada — which currently resides in a warehouse in Gatineau and sends touring shows out across the country — is a terrible blow, but it also saves us from something else: the Public-Private Partnership (P3) […] More »

ThisAbility #4: The Sorry Syndrome

This Magazine Staff

The “Sorry Syndrome” is a phenomenon I know I’ll never fully understand. I don’t even know whether able-bodied people know what they’re doing or if it’s just an apologetic, ass covering default they go to in a moment when they don’t know what to do. It could be many things… I have my theories, but […] More »

Classic This: "Pornography: A Feminist View"

This Magazine Staff

[Editor’s Note: The following is reprinted from the July/August 1978 issue of This Magazine. To hear writer Myrna Kostash in conversation about this article, download our “Listen to This” podcast #1, available here.] “Power and Control: A Feminist View of Pornography” BY MYRNA KOSTASH When Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler magazine, was convicted of obscenity […] More »

The new face of feminism?

This Magazine Staff

With minimum wage raising at a snail’s pace as compared to tuition fees (not to mention rent and groceries) and student loan agencies notoriously random with handouts, student across the country submit to myriad wacky plans to keep their cupboards stocked with tomato soup and ramen noodles. I, myself, have been known to dole out […] More »

CNN fakes their holograms

This Magazine Staff

CNN’s coverage of the Presidential election included some interesting segments: hologram interviews. You might have seen reporter Jessica Yellin and, later, Will.I.Am in hologram form being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper respectively. If you haven’t already, here they are: Here’s the thing though, they weren’t actually holograms. From the CBC: “The CNN anchors […] More »