This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Oh Brian. Oh Stevie.

This Magazine Staff

I just finished William Kaplan’s A Secret Trial, quite possibly the most important book on public life in Canada that has been published this year. The book aims to correct the main assumption of Kaplan’s previous book, Presumed Guilty, which exonerated Brian Mulroney from any wrongdoing in the Airbus affair. It turns out that, while […] More »

Canadian Broadcast Copiers

This Magazine Staff

Flicking as quickly past the Air Farce as I could manage last Friday, I couldn’t help noticing a skit called Adopt An American. The premise, I guess, was that some Americans might have been so upset about the recent election that they are looking for a quick escape, so we Canadians should help by adopting […] More »

Calling Herr Doktor Scheize

This Magazine Staff

My friend Paul passed (heheh) this on to me today, with assurances that it is 100% correct. Can anyone confirm this, and possibly add more in the way of explanation? More »

Oh Alberta

This Magazine Staff

It looks like Alberta is once again going to go through with this “elected senators” charade. Sigh. Meanwhile, two more sitting senators will hit 75 this week, making a total of fifteen senate spots that Mr. Decisive can’t seem to find replacements for. Decisions, decisions. It is very weird that Albertans, who tend to see […] More »

Missile Command

This Magazine Staff

I’ve got video games on the brain, what with Halo II out on the XBox, and my copy of Half-Life II due to arrive any day now from Amazon. Review to follow soon. Meanwhile, I’ve been wondering about an issue tangentially related to Ms. Parrish’s departure from the Liberal caucus, namely, missile defence. The CBC […] More »

Mob Scene

This Magazine Staff

The New York Daily News ran a report today tying Alfonso Gagliano to the Mob. What a bizarre plot twist — the Canadian political scene is hot today! More »

Carolyn Parrish. Hero of the Common Folk?

This Magazine Staff

I’d be interested to gauge reaction from the left regarding Liberal backbencher Carolyn Parrish, and her inability to stop insulting the American President despite veiled and not so veiled threats from her party, and the seeming disapproval of even opposition leaders and the entire national media. Jack Layton has taken the obligatory party leader stance, […] More »

Changer le pouvoir? Un Utopie?

This Magazine Staff

Last night, I participated in a panel discussion on “the changing nature of power”, at the Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montreal, a documentary film festival. After a screening of a new documentary called “The Fourth World War“, four panelists sat up at the front, talked about the film and, then took questions from the […] More »

Rebel Sell-inspired Question

This Magazine Staff

Okay, actually this question was inspired by a review I read of The Rebel Sell, in Vancouver-based website The Tyee (I haven’t started reading the book… yet): When I see those trucks whose sole purpose is to drive around city streets with massive billboards on the back, I want to scream. According to the Tyee […] More »

Ah, Romania. How We Love Your Beautiful Women.

This Magazine Staff

What do you get when you mix federal Immigration Minister Judy Sgro, a Romanian exotic dancer, and an opposition party comprised almost entirely of sexually repressed men? The worst headline pun yet from The Globe & Mail: Minister greased rails for stripper, Tories insist. The visual imagery alone is too disturbing. So let’s see if […] More »

Move over Peter Mansbridge

This Magazine Staff

Seems CBC has made teen heartthrob and MuchMusic VJ George Stroumboulopoulos “an offer he couldn’t refuse.” More »