This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Technical note: Our commenting system weirdness—one moment, please.

Graham F. Scott

Intense Debate out of order for the moment, will be back shortly.We’ve been having a spot of trouble with the commenting system on the blog for the last few days; comments mysteriously changing which post they appear on; comments suddenly appearing on every post on the blog, stuff like that. The magazine and podcast comments work fine. It appears to be a problem with the comment plugin, Intense Debate, which has for nearly a year provided amazing, wonderful service and has for some reason thrown a little fit this week. So please bear with us while it gets sorted out; Intense Debate has been made aware and is looking into it — we’ve apparently discovered a new bug or something! — and hope everything will be fine soon. In the meantime, the blog comments are behaving sketchily, for which we apologize. It should all be worked out soon. Feel free to Tweet or Facebook your responses, we love hearing from you!

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