This Magazine

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Elizabeth May in Montreal

This Magazine Staff

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Elizabeth May and her train made a quick stop in Montreal today.
The Green Party leader greeted about 60 supporters and began her brief address to the crowd in French. (I, and many other Quebeckers I think have been dreading hearing May stumble along in the upcoming French debate, but if today is any indication it might not be as bad as we thought.)
May derided Jack Layton for spending his time in BC putting down the Liberal’s Green Shift, saying “Shame on you Jack!” and calling his cap and trade policies “half-measures.” And she told the crowd that “The good news from Nova Scotia is that I will get into Parliament,” because her campaign is going so well in New Glasgow.
Before May arrived Claude William Genest, a Green candidate in the Westmount St Louis riding, spoke a mixture of French and English that would have made Justin Trudeau proud. Genest also talked about some of the Green Party’s policies, among them the $5000 Guaranteed Livable Income.

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May spent the afternoon going from interview to interview — including CTV, and Musiqueplus, and she joked about needing a glass of wine a la Tout le Monde en Parle.
She told the gathering she’s been travelling with her daughter and described the trip across Canada as “part campaign, part family road-trip.” She even invited any Green supporters who were feeling spontaneous to hop on the train with her as she heads to Nova Scotia. “I’ll lend you my toothbrush,” she quipped.
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