This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Women’s march

March-April 2018

ACTION SHOT: Women of all ages march in resistance in the streets of Vancouver

This January, Canadian women young and old protested one year after Donald Trump's inauguration

This Magazine

On January 20, 2017, women across the globe marched in resistance following President Donald Trump’s inauguration. The marches were symbols of protest, as a man with multiple sexual misconduct allegations against him had joined public office. As 2017 progressed, women began stepping forward, speaking up against misconduct, harassment, and rape, sparking an international movement, dubbed […] More »

OPINION: What Canadians can take away from three days of protest in Washington

Tannara Yelland reports from D.C. on protests surrounding the inauguration of President Donald Trump—and what Canadians should be worrying about

Tannara Yelland@tyelland

Women’s march in Washington. Last weekend, Washington, D.C. was the locus of celebrations marking the transfer of presidential power from Barack Obama to Donald Trump. The traditional ceremonies—from the swearing-in and the inaugural parade along Pennsylvania Avenue to the plethora of balls and galas—coincided with events such as the “Deploraball,” organized by members of the […] More »