This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Gender Block: marches, rallies, and community

Hillary Di Menna

It was an emotional mid-June week. On the 13th Maggie’s, Toronto’s Sex Workers Action Project, hosted a Sex Worker Solidarity rally. That afternoon, a crowd, mostly women, gathered at Toronto’s Allan Gardens to celebrate sex workers. There were theatrical and dance performances, as well as food and childcare. Bubbles were blown through the air—as well as positivity that […] More »

Gender Block: The scary rush to pass Canada’s new prostitution bill

Hillary Di Menna

Our federal government is rushing this week to pass a new bill regarding adult sex work, five months ahead of deadline, leaving some sex workers rightfully afraid. The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (Bill C-36) is inspired by the Nordic Model of sex work laws; pimps and johns will be held criminally accountable […] More »