This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Jean Charest

Wednesday WTF: Quebec's headwear ban is obviously totally unconstitutional

Graham F. Scott

Quebec is going ahead with its ludicrous ban on religious head-coverings like the niqab and the burka on provincial government property. It’s an astonishing piece of legislation that manages the improbable feat of being baselessly arbitrary and obviously xenophobic. The whole law is crafted to be targeted at a single identifiable—and extremely tiny—minority, but Premier […] More »
March-April 2010

As governments reject Royal Commissions, public policy suffers

Bruce M. Hicks

For the past six months, opposition parties in Ottawa and in Quebec City have been persistently calling for the appointment of Royal Commissions. At the federal level, the demand has been for an impartial inquiry into the fate of detainees that Canadian troops turned over to local authorities in Afghanistan, and whether or not the […] More »