This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Gordon Campbell

March-April 2011

Book review: Subject to Change by Renee Rodin

Navneet AlangWebsite

Memory, for good and bad, is crystalline: fragile, delicate, and with a tendency to distort. But in Subject to Change, it is like a crystal held at just the right angle, revealing some startling moments of clarity and beauty. Surveying a life of writing, motherhood, and activism, Renee Rodin’s prose is both understated and unflinching. […] More »
March-April 2010

Counting the Vancouver 2010 Olympics’ broken promises

Raina DelisleWebsite

The five-ring circus has rolled out of Vancouver, but the tents are still up. Hundreds of red tents, which became as much a symbol of our 2010 Games as those maple leaf mittens, won’t be coming down until we get our housing legacy. That’s the pledge of Pivot Legal Society, the non-profit legal advocacy organization […] More »
January-February 2010

Olympic Countdown: B.C. teachers fight Games’ classroom hype

Raina DelisleWebsite

[This post has been amended, see note below] They were told to wear red and white, to cheer loudly and smile. They were handed little Canadian flags and instructed to wave them with gusto. “This is an opportunity of a lifetime,” they were told. Some 540 students at L’École Victor Brodeur in Esquimalt, B.C., where […] More »
July-August 2009

How the Green Party is skewing Canadian elections

Bruce M. Hicks

Another B.C. election has passed, and the Liberals under Premier Gordon Campbell were able to hold on to power, but it was hard to tell at times which party stood where on the issues and the political spectrum. The environment was a central issue in this election, but it played out in a way that […] More »