This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Why You Should Give a Damn: 5 Reasons to Care About the G8/G20

jesse mintz

Unless you have been living under a fake rock beside a fake lake, chances are you’ve heard about this G8/G20 business in some way, shape, or form. The reasons why many people are protesting, however, may not be as clear. That’s probably because there isn’t any single issue uniting all protesters. And, despite what you […] More »

5 independent news sources to follow the G20 with

Graham F. Scott

The G20 is less than two weeks away, and there’s a lot going on. You could just turn to the usual media suspects to get your news about the G20, but when it comes to the street-level collision of neoconservative colonialist plutocrats and anti-globalization activists (among many other blocs of interests), it pays to look […] More »

Hotel workers' strike adds yet more drama to G20 fiasco

jesse mintz

Things just got a little more complicated for Toronto in the buildup to this month’s G20 summit.  If the 10,000 uniformed officers, 1,000 or so unlicensed private security guards, airport-tight surveillance and checkpoints, the much debated “sound cannon” and the expected thousands of protesters didn’t promise enough drama, the largest hotel workers’ union in the city […] More »

Save the Date! On June 16, This Magazine & Rabble co-host a G20 panel on "women & children"

Graham F. Scott

This Magazine and are pleased to be co-hosting a panel discussion in a few weeks on the G8/G20’s agenda on global maternal health. We’ll be posing the same questions that I raised in my editorial in the current issue: Does Canada have any business leading the charge on these issues? Shouldn’t we look to […] More »