This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


January-February 2009

Terrance Houle reclaims the Hollywood Indian

Lia Grainger

In a small bright room in downtown Toronto, a young Aboriginal woman is auditioning for a role she never expected to play. “I’d like to read the part of Billy Jack,” she says. With script in hand, the woman narrows her eyes and begins to read: “It’s my medicine bag. Got some owls feathers, sacred […]

Why feminists need to take the “men’s rights” movement seriously

Alex Molotkow

Many ‘men’s rights’ arguments are thinly veiled misogyny. But not all. It’s hard to listen to someone who compares feminism to “the historical rise of Nazism in Germany,” a phrase once written by prominent men’s rights activist David Shackleton. But while the men’s rights movement does have more than its share of extremists, that doesn’t […]

The Case for All-Black Schools

Andrew Wallace

Africentric education could be the key to success for a generation at risk. Some say it’s just segregation by another name. The city had been embroiled in a racially charged public debate for months leading up to that landmark night last winter. At 6 p.m. more than 200 people crowded into the Toronto District School […]

Quebec duo ATSA turn terrorism into art

Tim McSorley

Québécois artists Pierre Allard and Annie Roy celebrate 10 years of artistic shock and awe Socially Acceptable Acts of Terrorism: that last word seems to just hang in the air. These days, not many organizations would choose to use the “T” word. But when Montreal’s public art duo ATSA (the group’s French acronym) first hit […]