This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



An election I’m not already tired of

This Magazine Staff

The 2005 Canadian Blog Awards are being voted on right now, with dozens of nominees in 15 categories. Nominees who have been mentioned here at Blog This include: Inkless Wells, Warren Kinsella, mblog, Calgary Grit and Antonia Zerbisias. My own personal favourites include Torontoist for Best Group Blog and Daily Dose of Imagery for Best […] More »

and they’re off… Harper, really off

This Magazine Staff

Day one of the campaign aaannnnd… the Tories would re-open the debate on same sex marriage, according to this front pager in the Globe this morning. Try, at least, to win, Mr. Harper. Not that I want you to win, but for your own sense of pride, please try to win. More »

Keep it clean? Not likely

This Magazine Staff

Today’s MediaScout column from Maisonneuve magazine implores the country’s news reporters to resist the urge to perpetuate a negative campaign this winter: “MediaScout would like to issue a challenge to each and every journalist who will be covering this campaign. If you actually care about the interests of Canadians, if you actually value the role […] More »


This Magazine Staff

I just caught Deb Gray, Carolyn Parrish, Daniel Turp, and Buzz Hargrove doing the usual partisan panelist thing on The Current. The winners: Grey and Turp. Loser: Parrish. Huge loser: Hargrove. Turp won largely because his favoured party, the BQ, is sitting at 53% in the Queb polls and is going to come close to […] More »

“woohooo” depository

This Magazine Staff

Please use the comments section of this post for all Grey Cup wooohooing. You may also use it to wooohooo w/r/t hockey results, non-confidence motions, and any other pressing matters of local, national, or international importance. More »

Hawvawd, you say?

This Magazine Staff

Oh boy, and I live in this riding. Looks like Harvard boy Michael Ignatieff is being parachuted into Etobicoke-Lakeshore by the Liberals. Hmmmm, I was walking the lakeshore just yesterday and I DID see an ominous black helicopter hovering, but thought nothing of it at the time. From a press release on Warren Kinsella’s blog: […] More »

Olympic blues… already

This Magazine Staff

Cap in hand, Vancouver Olympic organizers are considering going to the federal and provincial governments for more money to build Olympic venues. Like many large projects in B.C., it looks like this one is going to go over budget… and it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s late, too. Here’s my favourite quote from the story: […] More »

maybe he needs a medicare card

This Magazine Staff

Black, who in a speech four years ago called his Canadian citizenship an “impediment to my progress in another, more amenable jurisdiction (Britain),” now contends the government should grant his request because his parents were born in Canada. I say let him have his citizenship back. In fact, I say appoint him to the Senate. More »

Celebrate with This

This Magazine Staff

NOW SHOWING! CLIPS, COCKTAILS and KICKIN’ OUT THE JAMS Celebrate This Magazine’s annual culture issue with an evening devoted to Canadian film! Join us for a roundtable discussion on the future of Canadian cinema featuring: filmmakers, Clement Virgo (Lie With Me), Andrea Dorfman (Parsley Days), Ruba Nadda (Sabah) and documentarian, Judy Jackson (The Ungrateful Dead). […] More »

THIS Day in Parliament

This Magazine Staff

Canada Steamship Lines Mr. Jeff Watson (Essex, CPC): Mr. Speaker, former Canada Steamship Lines’ chief engineers recently pulled back the veil of secrecy on CSL operations. CSL ships, they report, have been dumping tonnes of ore pellets into the Great Lakes when no one was looking. Sierra Club director, Elizabeth May, said that it was […] More »

That’s Called a Home Run

This Magazine Staff

In today’s question period, Conservative MP Jeff Watson (Essex), quoted directly from Alex Roslin’s THIS Magazine story when asking the Liberal government if they would start an immediate criminal investigation into Canada Steamship Lines’ routine and illegal dumping of excess cargo into the Great Lakes. And I quote (from memory): “Or, is the family business […] More »