This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Do Hippies Dream of Electric Bongs?

This Magazine Staff

Not happy to be back from promoting Rebelarse Vende in Spain. As some wise person once wrote, the business trip is the only authentic form of tourism. Great country, great time. Will get around to blogging again some day. In the meantime, in order to convince Degen that I do things other than promote my […] More »

Serpent eating tail

This Magazine Staff

And now, I will blog about a blog: Andrew Coyne has shut down the Comments section on his blog site. After Belinda Stronach crossed the floor, regular readers of Coyne’s site will have noticed a huge increase in the comments. Hell, I started commenting just before Belinda crossed, so I’m going to take some credit […] More »

Scenes from an historic day on The Hill

This Magazine Staff

I finished my meetings in Ottawa a bit earlier than expected yesterday, so in the short time before my train I wandered up to the Hill to catch a little will the government stand or fall? atmosphere. There was what looked to be a good two-hour long line-up to get into the public galleries for […] More »

This and that

This Magazine Staff

I’ve been reading Confessions of a Small Press Racketeer, a new book by This Magazine’s literary editor, Stuart Ross. The book is a collection of columns that ran in Word: Toronto’s Literary Calendar, and according to the media release from Anvil Press it’s “a rollercoaster journey into the mind of one of Canada’s most committed […] More »

And this is why I love the Globe & Mail

This Magazine Staff

“For two hours they talked about public policy and the direction of the country. They dined on veal medallions, toasted pecans, spring turbot, home pickled onions and young cucumbers. For dessert they had chocolate semifreddo, mango terrine, Valrhona chocolate mousse and brandy snap. It was all washed down with a respectable sauvignon blanc and a […] More »

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

This Magazine Staff

Belinda Breaks up with Conservatives Oh, it hurts. I can’t stop laughing. More »

Singing Ode’s praises

This Magazine Staff

Ode, a fabulous magazine out of Rotterdam, gives a nod to This and to Broken Social Scene in the June 2005 issue. “According to This, Broken Broken Social Scene is a successful example of a new movement in the music world that has declared cooperation as the key to creativity…. This believes this breakthrough of […] More »

May The Farm Be With You

This Magazine Staff

Must-see viewing right here. My favourite is Tofu-D2. Enjoy & share… More »

Everything bad is good for you (including bullfights, BUT NOT INCLUDING THE NEW WEEZER)

This Magazine Staff

Hola cada uno. A Ethpanya hoy. El ningun blogging por 10 dias por lo menos. Si algunos cuidados, mi revision de todo malo son buenos para usted aparecen en Poste Nacional de manyana. Aqui esta un bromista: Everything Bad is Good For You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter By Steven Johnson […] More »

Weezer sucks

This Magazine Staff

So, all excited I went and bought “Make Believe”, the new Weezer album. It is beyond garbage. The best review I’ve seen so far is — alas — the Pitchfork review, which gives it 0.4 out of 10. As the reviewer points out, Make Believe is one of those things, like Phantom Menace or the […] More »

Most Powerful Revisited

This Magazine Staff

Just to repeat a point made a couple weeks back, Independent MP David Kilgour now appears to be the most powerful person in Canadian politics. With his all-important vote pretty much deciding the immediate fate of Paul Martin, Steven Harper, etc., he has the ear of all those who may have something to say about […] More »